Ditch the toys today and invite your children to get create with loose parts!
by Cathy James
Ditch the toys today and invite your children to get create with loose parts!
by Cathy James
For day two of our at-home, screen free play ideas series, we’re looking at ice play.
It’s a great contrast to yesterday’s water play ideas and offers the opportunity for lots of exploring and discovering.
by Cathy James
I see many frozen activities in our future! My daughter hasn’t even seen the whole film yet and she’s already hooked. Here’s her guide to making your own frozen ice palace, for lots of sensory play and imaginary storytelling.
by Cathy James
by Cathy James
Winter’s on the way – time to break out the snow playdough recipe.
Based our our favourite no cook play dough recipe, this snow version has one important variation: we use corn flour instead of regular flour, to get a much whiter dough. And of course we added lots of sliver glitter to give a frosty sparkle to the dough.
by Cathy James
This simple Nativity printable helps you add reading, writing and storytelling to your Advent activities.