These circle math games add a little fun to practising basic math facts. Here’s how to make your own DIY game.
What does it weigh? kids experiment
We’ve been doing some baking this week – made our Christmas cake, complete with wishes – and L was really interested in the scales we were using. In the past, although she’s always joined in, it’s been big sister who’s done most of the weighting, so it was interesting this time too see L looking closely at all those numbers and trying to weigh her own hand. Time for an experiment to answer L’s repeated question: what does it weigh?
What does it weigh? kids’ experiments [Read more…]
DIY Christmas memory game
This DIY Christmas memory game is super simple to make, and you can use it in a variety of ways, for children of different ages. Here’s how:
[Read more…]
Math games with 3M Post-it Super Sticky Notes
I’m working with 3M today, to showcase some of the fun you can have with their super sticky Post-it Notes. Here’s some hands-on math games you can try, exploring shape, size, patterns and scale, with some art and imaginary play thrown in for good measure too!
Math games with Post-it Notes [Read more…]
Math games with circles
When you’re working on math with younger children it’s really important to start with real things – objects they can hold in their hands and use as they play and work with mathematical ideas. They need to have a solid understanding of the concept that a written down ‘1’ actually means one car, or one block, or one bottle top. Using toys and other items as manipulatives is great to help them understand this, and adding in new manipulatives every so often keeps the math games fun and interesting. So today, here’s an idea for a really quick-to-make set of DIY manipulatives, and lots of ideas for how you might use them.
Math games with circles [Read more…]
Make a house shape pictures
This week we decided to make a house -warming card for the girls’ aunt and uncle – a great way to play with maths and make some shape pictures! My daughter loved this activity and was so pleased to make something to give as a gift. And all the while she was happily creating her picture, she was learning all sorts of important maths and literacy skills, without even realising it. Here’s how we made our shape picture…