Super Sensory Invitations to Play is the perfect beginner’s guide to sensory play.
Children are sensory creatures, learning about the world and developing their skills by exploring using their sense of smell, touch, taste, hearing, and sight. This book is a feast for them!
This practical book will give you 52 super sensory invitations to play covering all five senses and themed throughout the year.
Whenever you need a play idea you can open the book and find something fun and educational for your children to enjoy. Let them learn through play.
Suitable for teachers, childcarers and parents with children aged 2 to 8.

50+ sensory play activities
Super Sensory Invitations to Play will show you how to set up simple sensory play activities for your children. You’ll learn how to match the activities to your children’s ages and how to incorporate math, literacy, and science. You’ll learn how to handle mess, deal with throwing, and keep things safe for all your children.
You will be able to set up sensory learning activities your children love, including:
Ice Sculptures
Painting on Snow and Ice
Fizzy Hearts
Valentine Sensory Tub
Valentine Play Dough Hearts
Chinese New Year Play Dough
Chinese New Year Sensory Tub
St. Patrick’s Rainbow Tub
Leprechaun’s Play Dough
Rainbow Shaving Foam
Citrus Soup
Carrot Sensory Tub
Discovery Bottles
Carrot Printing
Easter Nest Cakes
Spring Flower Play Dough
Relaxing Lavender Rice
Taste-Safe Finger Paint
DIY Musical Instruments
Homemade Chalk Paint
Lavender Play Dough
Homemade Bath Paint
Summer Solstice Sensory Tub
Painting on Texture
Homemade Clay Butterflies
Summer Scented Paint
Bubble and Sparkle Tub
Puffy Paint
Creative Concoctions
Frozen Sensory Tub
Ice Excavations
Coloured Water Play
Homemade Coloured Sand
Homemade Cloud Dough
Autumn Play Dough
Spice Paint
Coloured Salt Diwali Rangoli
Handprint Fireworks
Autumn Nature Sensory Tub
Halloween Sensory Tub
Pumpkin Art Party
Pumpkin Spice Goop
Pumpkin Spice Water
Homemade Bread
Christmas Scented Paint
Christmas Boxes Sound Game
Peppermint Creams
Candy Cane Puffy Paint
Candy Cane Sensory Tub
Christmas Spice Play Dough
New Year Fizz
Frosty Paintings
You’ll also hear from other parents and teachers, who share their experiences of using sensory play with their children.
Click here to get your copy of Super Sensory Invitations To Play Beginner’s Guide to Sensory Play for $14.99 or save $10 with our bonus pack below.

Recipe Cards Kit
Included in your kit is a super practical set of sensory recipe cards. You’ll get a set of all the best, tried-and-true recipes for you to keep in your kitchen or classroom, so you can mix-up your own sensory play materials whenever you want. Includes:
- Homemade Play Dough
- Homemade Cloud Dough
- Goop / Oobleck
- Homemade Clay
- Coloured Sand
- Homemade Bath Paint
- Dyed Rice
- Dyed Salt
- Dyed Pasta
- Puffy Paint
- Chalk Paint
- Edible Finger Paint
- Dyed Spaghetti

BONUS: add The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book and save $10
Upgrade your Beginner’s Guide To Sensory Play and get The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book too. It’s the perfect pairing!
The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book gives you a whole year of play dough activities that boost imagination, language, math, and fine motor skills.

50+ extra play dough activities
You will be able to set up sensory learning activities your children love, including:
Snowman Play Dough
Wake-Up Dough
Math Tangrams
Small World Diggers
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Valentine Lollipops
Heart Bunting
Mark Making with Play Dough
Candy Store Play Dough
Toothpick Math
Chocolates Play Dough
Spring Chicks
Scissor Skills Activities
Real Bread Making
Chocolate Play Dough Cupcakes
Under The Sea Play Dough
Salt Dough Bead Bracelets
Princess Pink Play Dough
Garden Flower Play Dough
Spot The Tracks Activity
Play Dough Art Station
Play Dough Fractions
Shape Matching Jigsaws
Ice Cream Parlour Play
Design a Fish Challenge
Art Mural Making
Big & Small Exploration
Play Dough Bake Off
Alphabet Dough Activities
Chill Out Lavender Play Dough
Animal Habitats
Seaside Play Dough
Making Caterpillars
Making Butterflies
Birds and Nests
Seashell Play Dough
Gingerbread Men
Pizza Parlour Play
Cinnamon Leaf Prints
Outer Space Play Dough
Autumn Trees
Diwali Salt Dough Candle Holders
Rangoli Mandals
Play Dough Spiders
Scary Monster Play Dough
Drinking Straw Exploration
Colour Mixing Experiments
Christmas Salt Dough Candle Holders
Christmas Spice Play Dough
Christmas Trees
Christmas Angels
Winter Landscapes
Combine Super Sensory Invitations to Play with The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book and you’ll never run out of sensory play ideas!
Buy The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book now with Super Sensory Invitations to Play for only $30.98 $22.48 and save $7.50.
Click here to save $7.50 and get both

Every child needs sensory play!
The whole world is sensory. We learn about our environment, our likes and dislikes, and ourselves by exploring using our senses. When we offer children sensory invitations to play we are encouraging them to engage with the world; to be curious, inquisitive, bold, creative, and versatile. We’re giving them the benefit of hands-on learning, encouraging them to use their whole brain and whole body for richer, broader, deeper learning.
Sensory invitations to play are so adaptable. They can spark excitement in learning and soothe and calm children. They are open-ended for creative play and linked to structured academic learning. They are useful for children who are sensory seekers and those who are sensory avoiders. And they are a wonderful way to engage, unite, and differentiate when you have a mixed group of children with different ages or abilities.
The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book is also full of activities that show you how to include counting, sums, fractions, and size in your play. The variety of materials we use brings lots of extra vocabulary into play, and you will see how play dough small worlds and role playing burst into lots of chat, questions, and speech development.
Combine the recipe book with Super Sensory Invitations To Play and you have the perfect beginner’s guide to sensory play and you’ll never run out of engaging ideas.

A beginner’s complete guide to sensory play
- Super Sensory Invitations to Play
- The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book
- Tried-and-true recipes for all the best sensory play materials
- Over 100 sensory play activities (50+ in each book) that build fine motor skills, language, math, science, and imaginary play
- you’ll never be short of a sensory play idea ever again!
- for ages 2-ish to 8+

Get your beginner’s guide to sensory play here:
$29.98 $22.48
Click here to get only The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book for $14.99
Click here to get only Super Sensory Invitations to Play for $14.99
Click here to get BOTH for only $29.98 $22.48. You save $7.50!
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Loved the video!
Your model is delightful!
Good luck!
Bon dia
sóc una mestra de Barcelona i m’agradaria molt comprar el teu llibre, però no se anglès, hi ha possibilitat de traducció a l’espanyol??
Moltes gràcies i aprofito per dir-te que m’encanta el teu blog i que aprofito moltes de les teves propostes.
Una abraçada
Hola Gemma. Lo siento, pero no tengo una traducción en español. Una abraçada, Cathy
Great idea, seems very usefull!
i would like to know if is activities we can do with litle (2-3 years hold)??
Yes valerie, lots of ideas that little ones can enjoy. Cathy
Can this be used for a youth group
Yes, it would be a great resource for a youth group. The ideas give lots of explore and talk about together.
Hi I was wondering if I could get it in hard copy & where from & how much?
Hi Chris. This is an ebook which is delivered as a pdf. That gives you the option to read on screen or to print off a hard copy if you prefer. Thanks for your interest. Cathy
Hi Cathy,
Iam from india.can i purchase it?the materials for sensory play you will be mentioning will be available in india.
Hi Anu. Yes you can buy the book from India. It includes lots of ideas for water, ice, dough, rice, paints, and sand.
Hi Cathy,
I live in England. This book would be really helpful to me in my job as a Nursery Nurse. If I order it on here will it work?
Many thanks
Hi Jackie. Yes it will. I’m in England too. 🙂