As part of our Sunflower School let’s write poems about sunflowers. You can use this sunflower poem printable and writing prompts to get you started.
Writing Sunflower Poems
Click here to download your copy of the Sunflower School curriculum and printables.
I always like to include some poetry in our seasonal reading. We grow up with nursery rhymes, and these short-form readings are a nice size for beginner readers, and writers, to work with – packed with concepts, language, and rhyme. My daughters love to sing, and so the lyrical nature of a poem is something they eagerly connect with.
As part of our Sunflower School let’s try writing sunflower poems of our own.
Sunflower acrostic poem
An acrostic poem is one where the first letter of each line spells out a word. They’re great for children to use as they provide a structure to begin with, and then children can use their imagination and language inventions to make their poem unique.
There’s a ‘Sunflower’ acrostic poem printable included in our Sunflower Journal that you can use for this activity.
Take each letter of the word Sunflower and think of a word or phrase, that starts with that letter, to describe a sunflower.
Here’s what we came up with:
Up to the sky
Over our heads
Extremely tall
Sentence-starter poems
An alternative way to begin a poem is to use sentence starters, completing them with your own ideas. It’s a way to get ideas flowing. You can answer the questions individually, or do this as a group exercise, collecting the ideas that everyone calls out.
Once you have completed the sentences, and included any other ideas that they have sparked, you can use your words and phrases to create a poem. You might like to write each ‘answer’ on a piece of paper, so you can move your words and phrases around until you have created a poem structure that you like.
Here are some sentence starters that you might use:
A sunflower is….
The sunflower’s colour is…
A sunflower is tall like…
The petals are like…
A sunflower makes me feel…
Here’s our version:
Bright, beautiful, radiant colour
Like a lion’s mane
Tall as a mountain, up to the sky
Happy and sunny and radiant
Sunflower School curriculum and printables
Click here to download your copy of the Sunflower School curriculum.
The Sunflower School curriculum matches a full programme of learning to the natural growing cycle of sunflowers.
It gives you six units of learning:
:: In the spring we’ll focus on planting and watching our plants grow.
:: In the summer we’ll learn about bees and pollination, and celebrate the gorgeous blooms through art.
:: In the late summer and early autumn we’ll turn our attention to harvesting, sustainability, and closing of the growing year.
Bonus sunflower printables
Our Sunflower School curriculum comes with 30 pages of bonus printables that you can use with your children to enrich their learning, including:
- My Sunflower Journal printable
- Lined, plain, and half-and-half journal pages
- Sunflower poems printable
- Sunflower sticker sheet
- Printable plant labels
- Sunflower counting mat
- Sunflower addition mat
- Sunflower subtraction mat
- Sunflower word mats
- Bee number cards
- Bee writing and scissor skills pages
- Garden Creatures page
- Honeycomb alphabet
- Printable seed packets
Click here to download the complete set of Sunflower School resources.
The sunflower we grow from the seeds you kindly sent us flowered today!! It was very exciting, I have posted a picture. We will be doing some kind of sunflower craft for before the 25th so will share.
Oh Emily how lovely! Thanks for letting us now – I shall tell the girls. look forward to seeing your craft idea.
Poetry is my second love, i always write poetry about how i feel. ^
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