Welcome to the third edition of #goplay Twitter Tips. This week we have ideas for getting the most from water play.
#goplay Twitter Tip #1 water play is great for kids of all ages, free, not too messy, and accessible: bucket, bath, water pistol, beach…
#goplay Twitter Tip #2 No children should ever play unsupervised with water. Safety first, then have some fun.
#goplay Twitter Tip #3 Water play is great for exploring maths: add funnels & containers of different size to play with volume & dimension.
#goplay Twitter Tip #4 Explore the science of freezing &melting, treasure hunt objects frozen in ice, make ice lollies.
#goplay Twitter Tip #5 Add in some songs at bathtime to develop language: Row, row, row your boat. 5 Little ducks. Thou Shall Have a Fishy.
#goplay Twitter Tip #6 Add some food colouring to bath water to create a magical water world. (Thanks to A Mother’s Ramblings for this idea.)
#goplay Twitter Tip #7 Bath time is a lovely time to bond esp. if you’ve been apart in the day. A sensory play time to relax before sleep.
#goplay Twitter Tip #8 A tub of water is transformed with props: boats, fishes and rods, shells, pots and pans.
#goplay Twitter Tip #9 Bubbles build brains: make kids think. What seems solid suddenly pops. How does that happen? Have a look at these giant bubbles at the Frugal Family Fun Blog.
#goplay Twitter Tip #10 No such thing as bad weather only the wrong clothes. Seize the day, put on wellies, go #playoutdoors in the puddles!
Catch our #goplay Twitter Tips each Friday at 8.30pm (GMT). Previous tips have looked at Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Playdough and Encouraging Reading and Writing.
Come and join us next week by following @nurturestore on Twitter.
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These are great! I am a bit new to twitter what does the #goplay mean?
Hi Abbie, If you do a search in Twitter for ‘#goplay’ you can stream all the tweets that contain that phrase. 🙂
Water play possibilities are endless, aren’t they?
Thanks for these, despite the hosepipe ban we still seem to have an abundance of water falling from the sky.
Another one to add to the mix is giving the children a bucket of water and an old paint brush (a large decorating brush, not an artists one) for them to ‘paint’ the walls, paths outdoors. They can use sponges and the brush to create pictures, but the younger ones just like to ‘paint’ away.