Welcome to the first @nurturestore #goplay Twitter Tips. Tonight: 10 ideas to get the most fun from play dough
#goplay Tip #1: playdough is perfect when you have a mixed age group playing together: everyone can play their way
#goplay Tip #2: play dough is a good introduction to messy play for children (and parents!) who don’t like mess
#goplay Tip #3: use this recipe to make your own play dough: food ingredients so OK is the kids eat a sneaky bit
#goplay Tip #4: play dough is so good for encouraging creativity, you could make this
#goplay Tip #5: bring an extra sensory experience to play dough by adding food essences or essential oils: vanilla, peppermint, orange
#goplay Tip #6: manipulating play dough is perfect for fine motor skills – getting fingers ready for holding a pencil one day
#goplay Tip #7: a pot of homemade play dough is perfect for party loot bags. Try this recipe
#goplay Tip #8: try adding in different resources each time you use play dough and see how your kids play creatively
#goplay Tip #9: other things to add to play dough play: lollysticks, matchsticks, shells, cookie cutters, knives & forks, feathers…
#goplay Tip #10: try using play dough in a different place: the garden, the toy kitchen, the dolls’ house. Give kids a fresh challenge
>>>Download our free Playdough recipe and ideas ebook >>>
Great list.One of my favorites was sending it home for favors after parties. Never thought of that before Thanks:)
Hi Briana – thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked the party bag idea.