Try these hands-on math activities to teach addition skills and watch how easily they help the math concepts ‘click’ with your children.
Hands on-math activities to teach addition skills
Whether you want to teach addition, double digits, carrying, or number bonds: we’ve got all the fun lessons!
Try these hands-on ideas any time you need to teach addition skills and watch as the concept ‘clicks’ with your children so they understand the math and grow in confidence.
This article is part of our creative math activities for children.

Save time with our ready-made Fun Math lessons
Always looking for fun math lesson ideas to engage your children? Save time and use our ready-made Fun Math lessons and printables.
You’ll have a fun math lesson for each key concept that really helps the learning ‘click’. All the lessons are quick to set up and easy to teach, either in class or at home. Our fun math kit includes many colourful and engaging printables that make your teaching even easier
These activities are especially suited to children who don’t like math, lack confidence, don’t understand math the way they are currently being taught, or kids who just love to play!

Hands-on math activities to teach addition skills
Check out a sample of our DIY math lessons below:
Learn how to use a number line to teach arithmetic.
Use our number cards to practice addition.
Vary the mathematic language you use when you practice addition to build fluency.
Make math towers with our unit block addition activity printables.
Try this hands-on arithmetic investigation to show your children that addition is commutative and you can add up numbers in and order.
This dice game to help children learn the number bonds to ten.
Use this hands-on, visual way to teach double digit addition.
Use these clever ideas for ways to use hundred squares to teach math skills including addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Save time with our ready-made Fun Math lessons
For the quickest and best solution to teaching math so children really understand, save time and use our ready-made Fun Math lessons and printables.
You’ll have a play-based lesson plan for every key math concept, ready to use with your children.
Your children will love these math lessons. They’ll be engaged, feel confident, and build vital math skills.
Come and take a look and get your Fun Math kit and all the printables here.