Use the Fun Math curriculum so your children really understand math.
You’ll have a play-based lesson plan for every key math concept, ready to use with your children.
Your children will enjoy their lessons, feel confident and build vital math skills.

Fun Math is an easy to teach, highly effective math curriculum based on play and hands-on learning
A ready-made lesson for every math concept: The Fun Math books give you a hands-on lesson plan for each key math concept
Clear and easy to follow: Each volume covers a specific area of math and has a clear index so you can easily find the lesson you need
Easy to teach: every activity is clearly explained so you can pick up the lesson plan and you’re ready to teach
Adaptable curriculum: with bonus printables, extension ideas, variations and the freedom to use the activities in any order and at a pace to suit you, Fun Math fits your and your children’s individual needs. Use Fun Math as your only curriculum or alongside other resources, and know Fun Math will be the lesson that children really engage with and the one that really teaches the concept
Highly effective: Fun Math lessons are fun and memorable, so children enjoy their lessons and feel confident. These are the magic lessons where children really see and understand the math concepts being taught
Versatile lesson plans: designed with children age 4 – 10 in mind, you can use the resources with mixed aged groups and for years and years as your children develop
Fun Math will be your go-to lesson plan when you really need to get kids interested and when the lesson ‘clicks’ into place and they really understand

No stress, no pressure, no anxiety, no boredom.
Fun Math is specifically designed for:
:: children who need to see and feel and do real things in order to understand concepts
:: children who are anxious and lack confidence
:: children who love to play and enjoy hands-on activities
:: children who are bored and uninspired by drill-and-kill workbooks and rote memorisation
:: children who want to have fun while they learn
:: and parents and teachers who want an easy-to-teach curriculum that really works: with a hands-on activity for every key concept, ready and waiting for you to pick up and teach
Transform your teaching and your children’s true understanding
with Fun Math!

Fun Math Volume One :: Core Skills
In this Core Skills book, using psychology, real life, and multi-sensory teaching techniques, we will be clear about how to teach math to give kids confidence and real understanding:
:: learn nine key aspects that are the core of successful math learning
:: consider attitudes to math and how to set the tone for great math lessons
:: see how to use everyday life to build math skills and how singing is important
:: and learn how to use core resources for successful teaching including number lines, hundred squares, discovery centres and math stations
BONUS PRINTABLES include math song lyrics sheets and hundred squares
Buy the 3 for 2 Best Value Bundle and get a book for free! $46.97 $39.98 = BUY NOW

Fun Math Volume Two :: Numbers, Counting and Place Value
In this Numbers, Counting and Place Value book, through lessons children love, we will give them a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of early math. You’ll have a hands-on lesson plan for every concept:
:: begin by getting to know numbers, through everyday activities and games
:: recognise digits, use numbers, sort numbers, play with numbers
:: count forwards and backwards, count on from any given number, count by ones and in skip counting patterns
:: introduce our base-ten number system including ten frames and number bonds
:: develop an understanding of one-, two-, and three- digit numbers and the significance of place value (ones, tens, hundreds)
:: develop subitizing skills and begin to estimate
:: understand more than and less than values and start using addition and subtraction skills
:: count to one hundred and work with hundred squares
:: explore patterns and skip counting
:: learn about odd and even numbers
BONUS PRINTABLES include themed number cards, car park play mat, number dot cards, number wheels, play dough math mats, ten frames, base ten towers game, subitizing activity cards, hundred squares, pattern cards, number bonds cards and odd and even houses
Buy the 3 for 2 Best Value Bundle and get a book for free! $46.97 $39.98 = BUY NOW

Fun Math Volume Three :: Arithmetic
In this Arithmetic book, using memorable, hands-on activities, you will boost your children’s confidence as they see how easy, playful and practical math is. You’ll be ready to teach all the key concepts of arithmetic:
:: begin with addition, building from the counting skills developed in Volume Two: Numbers, Counting and Place Value
:: use real objects to understand the concrete concept of addition before moving on to using digits to represent amounts: hands-on math before mental math
:: use sensory and imaginative play to develop understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
:: learn addition facts, to ease and speed up calculations
:: develop from single digit addition, into teen numbers, and into double digit addition including with carrying
:: understand that addition is commutative (can be done in any order), subtraction is not
:: use songs and memory games to introduce subtraction
:: develop from one less than through to double digit subtraction with borrowing
:: use skip counting and repeating patterns to introduce multiplication
:: begin with counting by twos and developing through art, games and play to counting by fives and counting by tens
:: introduce the concept of multiples and common factors through hands-on construction play
:: learn times tables through art and song
:: introduce division through imaginative play, snack time and loose parts play
:: have a set of active games we can use to practice all skills on an ongoing basis
BONUS PRINTABLES include hundred squares, play dough addition mats, sunflower counting mats, number fish, ten frames, pattern cards, hopscotch cards, times table fill-in-the-gaps, division play mats, and high five times tables cards
Buy Volume Three Now for $19.99
Buy the 3 for 2 Best Value Bundle and get a book for free! $46.97 $39.98 = BUY NOW
BUY NOW and get a book for free!
Choose the BEST VALUE BUNDLE and get all three volumes today, giving you a full curriculum of hands-on, playful math lessons that build your children’s confidence and true understanding of math concepts.
You will have ready-made lesson plans for every key math concept. Fun Math is clearly laid out and easy to teach, so you can pick it up and be ready to deliver a play-based lesson that boosts your children’s confidence and gives them real math skills.
You will be all set to go straight ahead and teach:
:: Fun Math Volume One :: Core Skills
:: Fun Math Volume Two :: Numbers, Counting and Place Value
:: Fun Math Volume Three :: Arithmetic
Transform your teaching and how your child thinks about math for the rest of their life with the Fun Math curriculum.
Buy the 3 for 2 Best Value Bundle and get a book for free! $46.97 $39.98 = BUY NOW
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Is your product (Fun Math) offered on TPT school access
Hi Andria. Fun Math is only available here, on the NurtureStore site.