This Goldilocks and the Three Bears printable set is perfect for storytelling. You can use these ideas to explore this classic tale through imaginative play, and to develop sequencing skills and math concepts.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears printable storytelling kit
Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a classic fairytale, which has several different versions that bring out different aspects of the tale. You can decide whether to have a happy, reconciled ending, with Goldilocks learning the error of her stealing-ways and making an apology and amends, or have the bears chase her off!
Whichever version you choose to pass on to your children, the story offers many educational avenues to explore. Oral storytelling is so important to our culture and to the development of children’s language. As we re-tell familiar tales we practice speech, vocabulary, fluency, confidence, and sequencing.
Goldilocks is also a fairytale which pairs well with a playful maths lesson, as we explore the concepts of big and small, and matching sizes with characters.
And we can talk about the morality of the story, asking the children what they think about Goldilocks’s choices and what they would have done in her circumstances.
You can use these Goldilocks printables to explore all the ideas.
What’s included in the Goldilocks Storytelling Set
This is a versatile kit which includes:
:: character cards of Goldilocks, Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear, and Baby Bear
:: ‘prop’ cards including a cute wooden cabin, three beds, three chairs, and three bowls
:: storytelling cards with key vocabulary including the words small, medium, and big, too hot, too cold, just right, once upon a time, and all the character names
How to use the Three Bears printables
Print your Goldilocks and the three bears kit onto card, cut them out, and play. You can laminate them for extra durability if you like.
You can use the printables in many ways to support play, storytelling, and math
:: include the printables in a storytelling tin
:: use the cards as visual prompts to re-tell the story aloud, or in writing – with the cards providing spelling prompts
:: try a sequencing activity where you order the cards to match the beginning, middle, and end of the story. This helps children understand the framework of storytelling, to recall key events from the story, and to organise their thoughts
:: use the set to play with maths, as you explore ideas of big, medium, and small, and matching bowls, chairs, and beds to the correct character
:: set out the character and prop cards with loose parts such as playdough, or in a sensory tub, to invite your children to enjoy imaginative play inspired by this classic tale

How to get this printable
This printable is an exclusive bonus for all Play Academy members. Join us today and you can access all our ready-made lesson plans and printables to make your teaching so much easier. Hundreds of other teachers and parents are already using our resources to save time and teach better – you can too!
Join the Play Academy here and you will get:
:: so many resources to help you easily teach your children in ways they love. It’s all planned for you and ready to teach, saving you so much time and stress.
:: over 50 ready-made thematic units with plenty of choice and variety, all based on an sound educational philosophy of arts, play, and hands-on learning.
:: this fun printable and 100s more that you can use to easily deliver lessons that your children will love.
How awesome!
You are a star 🌟! Thank you for yours creativity and generous.
Many thanks
A great resource
Awesome resource thanks!
I will liketo use this material to teach english to preescholers
Hi Claudia. I hope your preschoolers have fun with it.