Use these back to school activities and printables to get your new school year off to a great start.
Easy Back To School activities and printables
NurtureStore is your teaching fairy godmother! We make awesome, inspiring lessons your children will never forget – and all the planning and prep is done for you.
Our back-to-school resources focus on supporting children to settle in, feel confident, and get to know their classmates. We also encourage students to think about their intentions for the year ahead, with a growth-mindset that knows they can learn anything!
Reclaim your Sundays by using our lesson plans and printables!
NurtureStore’s Printables Library is packed full of printables for math, literacy, art, forest school, festivals, and unit studies.
Here’s a selection of our free back-to-school printables and activities that are perfect for your new school year.
Click each link to see the resources and lesson guides and then join my mailing list to get access to the free printables library.
How to get these free printables
Get access to ALL my free printables by subscribing to my email list.
To download my free printables, you'll need to visit the NurtureStore Printables Library, which is available to all subscribers to my email list, and of course to Play Academy members.
Pop your email address in the form below and you’ll get access to all my free printables, lesson plans, activity ideas, weekly newsletter, and a whole lot more!
After subscribing, be sure to check for the confirmation email. After you confirm your email subscription, we'll send you a welcome email which includes instructions for downloading our free printables.
If you're already subscribed to our email newsletter: check your email for the latest edition of the newsletter where you’ll find a link to access our free printables library - the link is usually at the bottom of the email.
For help accessing our printables, click here.
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