Want to put art at the heart of your learning this year?
Back-to-school Top Tip Number One: Don’t think of Art as a separate lesson – build it in to ALL your learning.
The fact that art has been part of human history for centuries speaks to how central artistic expression is to being human.
Art develops our brain: exercising our right-brain functions of creativity and holistic thinking, AND the focus and concentration of our left-brain functions, to promote peak performance.
It helps us develop critical thinking and problem solving, teaching us that there are many ways to look at a problem.
Art shows us how to relate to other people. We can find our feelings expressed by someone else, from a different time or culture, and understand the emotions which connect all people.
Art teaches us how to give and to receive feedback and criticism. It encourages us to collaborate and find community.
Creativity is now as important in education as literacy. – Sir Ken Robinson
So let’s plan this year to include more art, right across our play, activities, and lessons.
How to build more art into your whole learning
I’ve got two resources that will give you what you need to easily include more art this year.
Want to be more confident doing art?
Nurture Art is full of ideas and practical tips that will get you easily set up and enjoying art with your children. You’ll develop skills to positively nurture your children’s creativity, using supportive language, growth mindset techniques, and visual thinking strategies. And there’ll be interesting personal development for you, as you think more about arts education and your own creativity.
Need some fun art ideas?
Art Spark is packed with gorgeous photographs and art ideas that you’ll be excited to try with your children. It includes 30 art projects, with lots of extension ideas that include learning about science, art history, and world cultures, that make it easy for you to explore creative techniques with your children – ideas you can keep using as your children grow.
How to download your resources
Click here to download your copies of Nurture Art and Art Spark.