Today’s back-to-school planning tip is one that will have a huge impact on how successfully your children learn this year.
The most effect, most fun learning
We must make sure we include sensory learning.
Children are sensory creatures, and it’s essential we factor in their sensory needs when we’re planning our activities and lessons for the new (home-) school year. You can have the best reading lists, math books, and literacy printables but if you’re not building in sensory activities and considering the sensory environment you’re already putting up barriers to your children’s learning.
Including sensory play and learning doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or lots of extra work. Here’s my top planning tip for sensory learning, and two idea-packed resources to help you do it.
Top Tip #2: match sensory play to your learning themes
Whatever you’re learning about this year, make sure you have sensory activities included alongside. This will give you and your children three vital things:
:: you’ll have fresh ideas all year round. I’ve got two resources for you that will make it really easy for you to match a sensory activity to each week of the year. By using these year-round ideas, you’ll always have a quick and simple sensory activity to include in your plans.
:: you’ll be adding vital hands-on sensory experiences to your home or classroom. Sensory play is open-ended and can engage all children, so it’s perfect if you have mixed-age siblings, children with different sensory requirements, and kids with different abilities.
:: you’ll be able to see the amazing impact sensory play has on emotions, social skills, and academic learning. If you include these sensory invitations in your home or classroom this year just watch how they help your children develop their language; how your children show through their play what they’ve learned in other lessons; how they develop and explore new ideas and concepts that you’re teaching them; how they practice team-work and social skills between siblings and classmates.
Ready to add sensory play to your learning, all year round?
It’s easy with these two year-round resources:
Super Sensory Invitations to Play is a delightful resource that encourages your children to explore the five senses through the year, using a wide variety of sensory materials.
It includes 52 invitations to play, linked to the festivals and seasons of the year, and including water, ice, dough, rice, paint, sand, sensory tubs, and more. It comes with a printable recipe book featuring all our favourite recipes for play.
The Homemade Play Dough Recipe Book brings you recipes and activities for a whole year of play dough fun. With ideas for every season, together with literacy, math and art activities, if your child loves play dough, this is the book for them!
How to download your resources