Looking for suitable paintings for an art criticism lesson with children? Try these ten paintings and use my free printable art criticism questions cards to get the conversation started.
by Cathy James
Looking for suitable paintings for an art criticism lesson with children? Try these ten paintings and use my free printable art criticism questions cards to get the conversation started.
by Cathy James
Try one of these colour lessons with your children to explore the colour wheel. From finger paints to Kandinsky’s complementary circles, there’s a colour lesson for all ages.
by Cathy James
Here’s a collection of over twenty arts and crafts that a great for developing fine motor skills.
by Cathy James
Enjoy these super sensory messy art activities and join our Art Camp!
by Cathy James
Let’s learn about the famous artist Wassily Kandinsky and make our own version of his famous Kandinsky circles picture, exploring colour theory and oil pastels.
by Cathy James
Try these fun and easy printmaking art lessons for children and join our Art Camp!