Download the Play Academy’s ready-made Daffodils thematic unit and you’ll be ready to lead a fun and creative programme of learning about Daffodils through science, nature study, art, and poetry.

by Cathy James
Download the Play Academy’s ready-made Daffodils thematic unit and you’ll be ready to lead a fun and creative programme of learning about Daffodils through science, nature study, art, and poetry.
by Cathy James
Forest schools are a strong alternative or accompaniment to traditional schools. From physical to mental health, and academic to practical skills, let’s look at all the benefits of forest school.
by Cathy James
Use these ready-made lesson plans for forest school science activities to teach nature study in a forest classroom.
by Cathy James
Save time using these ready-made forest school lesson plans which give you a wide range of outdoor learning lessons in math, science, literacy, wellbeing & more.
by Cathy James
Lead an engaging nature curriculum full of spring nature activities using these ready-made forest school lesson plans for spring.
by Cathy James
Use this easy and practical guide to starting a forest school for childminders to bring more nature activities to your child care provision.