These crispy nest cakes are a classic, no-cook cake. They’re perfect for Easter and perfect for little children to make.
Easter crispy nest cakes
You can see my complete Eggs and Birds Unit here.
You will need:
:: milk chocolate (we used 200g which made 30 mini nests),
:: a breakfast cereal such as All Bran / bran flakes / cornflakes / rice crispies,
:: chocolate mini eggs (we found some very cute ‘micro’ eggs),
:: cake cases,
:: a muffin tin,
:: a wooden spoon,
:: a big glass bowl,
:: a saucepan,
:: a teatowel
:: a teaspoon
Step One: Break up the chocolate and put it in the bowl. You’ll get less messy kids if you leave the chocolate in the wrapper while your break it up.
Step Two: Grown-ups job. Put a little water in the saucepan and heat it gently. Sit the bowl on top and let the chocolate melt.
Step Three: Take the bowl with the chocolate off the saucepan. If you sit it on a teatowel it will help it to stay nice and still. Pour in your breakfast cereal. How much depends on how much chocolate you’ve used and how good at mixing you are!
Step Four: Stir, stir, stir, stir….
Step Five: Put one case case in each muffin tin hole. Using a teaspoon put some of the mixture into each cake case. If you make a little dent in the middle you’ll get a nice nest shape.
Step Six: Count a few eggs into each nest. Now you have to be a little patient and leave them to set – in the fridge if it’s hard for you to wait!

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I made them at the preschool with the littleones yesterday, but we used schredded wheat to look like nests and also by adding a little golden syrup it gives you a little more time before things set
Yes I agree with the shreded wheat / nest effect (but the kids don’t like the taste!)
Yum! This looks delicious!
We are supposed to be making these today…. We were going to make them with shreddies but I think we’ll use rice crispies as they taste nicer apparently (according to my little girl anyway!)
I’ve made this with shreddies before (the large ones not the mini ones) and broken them up and ones they are covered in the chocolate I’ve always found you cant really taste any difference! And they look great
Kids will be so proud to share these. I can see kids here in my home town walking door to door to give these out to neighbors on Easter Sunday with a home-made “Happy Easter” card. I guarantee Grandma will love these!
I like to add a bit of butter and golden syrup to get that chewy glossy effect.