How many planets are there? Why does mummy like peas but I don’t? Why is fire sometimes blue? Why can’t we breathe in space?
Children ask so many interesting questions – thirsty for knowledge and full of wondering. Often though, we don’t get the chance to answer their questions: if we’re in the middle of an activity, about to head out somewhere, or because we simply don’t know the answer ourselves. It is such a shame to lose those questions, ignore that interest and possibly switch of children’s curiosity. So, here’s our solution: make a Wonder Wall!
How to make a Wonder Wall
>>>> Download my guide to creative storytelling activities here
The idea behind the Wonder Wall is to have a place, at home or in a classroom, where children can catch their wonders. They can jot down their questions (or have you scribe them if they’re not yet writing), post them on the wall, and then when you have a better opportunity you can come back and find the answers. A Wonder Wall is a great way to collate all the questions that come up when you’re exploring a particular topic, and can be prompts or conversation starters that you can pick up the next time you’re working on your project. Using children’s own questions to explore a subject is a great way to encourage motivated learning.
To make our Wonder Wall we started out with a long roll of parcel wrap.
A washing-up sponge makes the perfect brick! Dipped in brown paint we printed out the wall.
Given its Wonder Wall title we stuck it up on the door between our kitchen and playroom – the places where we spend most of our time – so it’s easily on hand when a wonder arises, and we are often prompted to pick to unanswered questions to investigate.
More play activities to explore story telling
Help your child to make their mark with these wonderful projects that help develop a love of writing, creative storytelling, self-confidence and compassion – along with six sets of bonus printables.
I love this idea! A wonder wall would work perfectly in our class and it could also be used to manage our questions on a project we are working on! Great idea thanks for sharing!
What a fantastic idea! I think our house needs a Wonder Wall 🙂
This is a great idea! I think this would be perfect to do at home~ my daughter is so inquisitive and it can be hard to keep up with all her wonders.
Love your blog and linked it! Thanks for sharing!:)
This is such a fabulous idea! I’ve done similar at school but never thought to do it at home. My daughter is always asking questions like this and we always say we’ll find out but often forget. Thank you, we’re doing this at half term!
What a great idea- think we will be making one of these very soon:)
Adorámos esta ideia! Nós temos tantaos PORQUÊS!!! Tantos mistérios a precisar de respostas! Muito original e desencadeadora de novas aprendizagens esta ideia!!!
Orbigado! Muito feliz que você gostou da idéia.
Fantastic idea, we are definitely going to make one of these.
We have tried lots of nurture store activities, they are just great! and always so cheap to make.
I love this! I am going to put one up in my classroom asap! I am sure you have seen this site before (i am not affiliated in anyway btw) but it matches with this perfectly! They have a “Wonder of The Day!”
This is a really cool idea! I’m mentioning it in a blog post I’m doing. I will link this post.
Glad you like it Brittney, and thanks for sharing it on.