Here’s a really easy way to turn your’ child’s art into Christmas cards.
It may be simple but the cards look gorgeous and make a wonderful keepsake.
Turning your child’s art into a Christmas card – or any-time-of-year card – is a lovely way to share their creativity with someone else they love.
This art card idea makes a great alternative to more ‘craft’-style cards, especially if you prefer child-led art rather than follow-the-steps creations.
This article is one of NurtureStore’s easy Christmas crafts for children and part of our Christmas activities and crafts.
Turn your child’s art into Christmas cards
If your family is anything like ours you’ll have a constant, overflowing supply of child’s art.
My daughters’ love to paint, draw, stick, colour…. which of course means we have lots and lots of their art collecting on walls, doors, fridges, everywhere.
As much as I love their art work, sometimes we need to bid some a fond farewell (only to make room for more, newer pieces!).
If you somehow don’t happen to have an archive of their art to use, then of course they could paint a masterpiece especially for the cards.
Whichever way you source your starting art, turning it into a lovely card couldn’t be easier.
Take a piece of card and fold it in half.
Your child can then pick a section of their art to turn into a picture of a present to go on the front.
Cut out a square or rectangle from their picture to make the present, and stick it onto the front of the greetings card with glue.
Cut up some ribbon and glue that on to, crossing it over the painted present and adding a bow on top.
You can show your child how to take a pair of scissors or a ruler and pull it along the length of ribbon to make it twist into pretty curls.
Add some lovely writing on the front to finish the card and you’ve got a gorgeous keepsake card which captures a piece of your child’s art and a snapshot of their handwriting at this age.
More Christmas activities and crafts
See our full index of Christmas activities, lesson plans and crafts for even more great ideas.