The perfect snack for a cold, winter’s day – try this easy recipe for tortilla snowflakes!
by Cathy James
The perfect snack for a cold, winter’s day – try this easy recipe for tortilla snowflakes!
by Cathy James
Where I live we hardly ever have snow, but today we do! So much, that school is closed for the day. Children love being outside so when the heavens give you a beautiful layer of sparkling white snow to explore you’ve got to seize the day, wrap up warm and get out and play. Here are ten top tips for enjoying the snow (outside and inside) – and getting some learning in at the same time.
1. Build a snowman, of course. My daughter drew out her design before she started (what a planner!), gathered her materials and directed her team of sculpters to bring her design to life. Great chance for team work and to use problem solving skills (trying to figure out how to make a carrot nose that didn’t keep falling off).
2. Small world play construction site. We raided our sandpit for trucks and lorries and used them to transport snow over to our snowman site, imagining we were builders.
3. Experiment with the science of snow. Put some snow in a few bowls and conduct your own melting test. Where does it melt the fastest – on a radiator, in the fridge, under the bed? How long does it take to melt in each location? Once it’s melted, what happens if your put it back outside or in the freezer? Maths and science in action.
4. Get creative and make some snowmen pictures. You know how much my kids love cottonwool to make snowmen like this and this, but what about a white chalk picture on a blackboard or piece of black card?
5. Get some target practice. Draw a chalk target on an outside wall, line up some snowballs and shoot to score. Award different points for hitting different areas and keep tally with a score chart. Lots of adding up practice.
6. Get baking. Make gingerbread into snowflake shapes and ice them with some white writing icing like the decorated cookie,.
7. Paper snowflakes are easy to make using only white paper and scissors. Cutting helps develop fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination. The Crafty Crow has a guide to folding your paper to make snowflakes.
8. Make some virtual snowflakes at snowdays. Using the computer mouse develops IT and hand – eye co-ordinations skills.
9. Ever had snow ice cream? A Modern Mother has the recipe.
10. Enjoy some snow dough using the recipe at Praying for Parker. This is wonderful sensory play using touch and smell, and nurtures nimble fingers.
The snow looks like it’s here to stay for a while so have you got any more ideas for snow filled learning for me?
by Cathy James
This article is one of NurtureStore’s easy Christmas crafts for children and part of our Christmas activities and crafts.
Do you send out Thank You cards for the presents your children receive at Christmas? It’s something I like to encourage mine to do.
Today we’ve had a snowman production line on the go using our favourite material of the moment – cotton wool.
You might have seen the earlier Snowman Pictures we made, or the shepherd’s nativity scene, but this time we went for a flat cotton pad rather than balls.
We used:
:: white card
:: 2 cotton wool pads per snowman
:: black and orange felt tips
:: PVA glue and some silver sequins as snowflakes (left over from the Dove of Peace decorations).
I think the pictures are pretty much self-explanatory but I would say drawing on the cotton wool is a little tricky but easily solved if you stick with a ‘dot’ design.
My 3 year old managed hers all by herself so it’s a nice craft for preschoolers as well as older children.
Don’t you think they look jolly?
See our full index of Christmas activities, lesson plans and crafts for even more great ideas.
by Cathy James
December 1st and it’s all frosty here – which got us thinking about the possibility of snow! The children loved making these snowmen. Cotton wool is a lovely texture to work with and this is easy for even the youngest children to create.