For the last few weeks we have been collecting ideas for things we’d like to do over the summer holiday and starting to think about all the plans we have. Then yesterday Deb from Carrots and Kids shared an idea for a Summer Holiday Planner she’d seen over at the Future Craft Collective. It’s such a great way to give some shape to the holiday but still keep things flexible. It includes a calendar for any days out or events that are scheduled and pockets to fill with ideas of things to do, people to see, chores that need completing. You can pop over to the Future Craft Collective to find a complete tutorial on how to sew the planner and ideas on what to include. We went for quick and instant with our version and used envelopes stuck on with sticky tape for our pockets. We’ve included some blank cards so we can add ideas as we go along (and encourage B do keep up with her writing over the holiday too). It will also be great to have a store of ideas in the ‘things to do’ envelope, ready for the first cry of ‘I’m bored’!
Are you a holiday planner kind of family – or do you take each day as it comes?
What a great idea! I’ve been wanting to put together a summer holiday planner for the last week or so, but didn’t know where to begin! My boys are only little (2 and 3) but they do well with a routine and I don’t want to lose that over the holidays, so this will be great for organising our time. Thank you! Helen
We’ve got a few trips planned which will help to structure our summer holidays and a lot of favourite games to play and parks to visit. We’ve been slightly thrown off course today though – the first day of the holidays – because it’s storming outside. Typical!
When it comes to holidays I like to plan for a balance of planned and unplanned! I also like to make sure that there are plenty of days at home were we can all just potter around. I am also quite happy for it to get to the point of “I’m bored” occasionally, as opposed to me constantly supplying them with ideas of what to do. I find it is when boredom kicks in that they actually get quite creative with what they do. There is a limit to letting them be bored of course, because that can also lead to mayhem!!! 🙂
What a great idea! My kids aren’t in school yet, so summer is like the rest of the year, just with better weather for water play outdoors! I think we could still make use of this, though, and I’ll be checking out that sewing tutorial!