Use these Juneteenth lesson plans to teach your children about Juneteenth celebrations and world history.

Elementary school Juneteenth lesson plans
You can use this collection of Juneteenth lesson plans for elementary aged children to learn about the federal holiday of Juneteenth.
You’ll find lessons that teach about the history of Juneteenth, how it is celebrated today, and a great selection of hands-on, interactive lessons to engage your children in learning about this holiday.

Ready-made Juneteenth Unit lesson plans
Save time and download your copy of our ready-made Juneteenth Unit.
The Juneteenth Unit is one of the units in our Play Academy curriculum Festivals pathway. This curriculum has an excellent range of units that you can fit together to create an in-depth and engaging programme for your children, all based on the festivals and holidays of the year.
All our units teach through hands-on learning. Rather than staring at a screen or filling in uninspiring worksheets, the Play Academy gives you ready-made, easy-to-lead, creative lessons that enable your children to learn through making, playing, doing, cooking, investigating, storytelling, imagining, chatting, thinking and laughing.
See more details of this Unit here, and join us in the Play Academy to choose your first teaching unit here.
Juneteenth lesson plan
In this Juneteenth lesson, your children can:
:: learn what Juneteenth is
:: learn about the history of Juneteenth and why it is celebrated
:: learn how Juneteenth began and became a federal holiday in the United States of America
:: learn how Juneteenth is celebrated today
See this lesson on how to teach children about Juneteenth here.
Lift Every Voice and Sing lesson plan
In this lesson about the Black American national anthem, your children can:
:: learn about the origin of this song
:: consider national anthems, why we have them and their value
:: listen to the Black national anthem, sung by children
:: read and discuss the poem Lift Every Voice and Sing
:: consider what they would include in a national anthem
See this lesson about the Black national anthem Lift Every Voice and Sing here.
Juneteenth flag lesson plan
In this lesson about the Juneteenth flag, you children can:
:: learn about the Juneteenth flag: its design and meaning
:: learn about the Pan-African flag
:: enjoy sensory play and art activities inspired by the colours of the flags
See this lesson about the Juneteenth flag here.
Augusta Savage art lesson
In this lesson about Augusta Savage, your children can:
:: learn about the famous Black African American artist Augusta Savage
:: read about Augusta Savage’s life
: talk about and critique examples of her famous art works
:: create art inspired by her work
:: explore working with clay including shaping, construction, mark making and modelling
See this Augusta Savage art lesson here.
Juneteenth food lesson plan
In this lesson about Juneteenth food, your children can:
:: learn about the foods eaten on Juneteenth
:: learn about the origins of these traditions
:: learn about foods in West Africa
:: make a simple strawberry syrup recipe to make strawberry soda
:: follow a sequential set of instructions, following a recipe
:: practice measurement
See this lesson about Juneteenth food here.

Ready-made Juneteenth lesson plans and printables kit
Save time and be ready to teach with this all-prepped for you Juneteenth Unit.
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