Who says August has to be a brain-drain month? Join me for a summer of brain boosting fun!
All through August I’m asking the children a Brain Boosting question each day and inviting them to explore what the answer might be. Each question will be a prompt for the children to think, question, wonder, explore, discover and learn! Will you join us?
Join in with the Brain Boosting Questions

Magic Fun Math lessons!
Fun Math is an easy to teach, highly effective math curriculum based on play and hands-on learning.
All the lessons are designed to be fun and memorable, so children enjoy their lessons and feel confident.
The lessons are easy for teachers and parents to use, in class or at home.
These are the magic lessons where children really see, understand, and can apply math concepts. They are especially suited to children who don’t like math, lack confidence, don’t understand math the way they are currently being taught, or just want to play.
I’ll be posting a question a day here and on Nurturestore’s Facebook page, so hop on over and follow us. I’ll be blogging some of the discoveries my kids make and re-visiting some of our favourite ideas from Nurturestore’s archive. We might have a few guest questions from other kids bloggers too.
We’ll be covering lots of different topics, including art, science, writing and maths. Each question is designed to be open to the children to explore an idea their way and gives plenty of scope for them to try out ideas, discover new things and learn some new skills. Each activity will be really easy for you to set up at home, with no special equipment needed.
Will you join us? Watch out for the questions each day, give them a try, and come and tell us how you got on by joining the chat on our Facebook page.
Brain Boosting Question #1: how much does a pig weigh?
Today’s question is an invitation to explore weight and scales. It lets children estimate and predict results, and use their brains to be the teacher, thinking up questions to ask each other (or you!)
I set out our weighing scales, a toy pig, and some clipboards with paper and pencils.
These are a set of vintage kitchen scales, which the children really liked the look of, but any will do. With very young children you might just like to observe how the needle moves along the dial as you place things of different weight on the scales. Older children could read the exact measurements and chat about why we have grammes and ounces on the scale.
I wrote out some questions to get things started. Even if your children are pre- or beginner- readers it’s always good to include reading and writing whenever you can, and let the children see how you’re using them for a practical purpose.
Brain Boosting Questions to consider
You could ask:
:: how much does a toy pig weigh? or a car? or a Barbie? (whatever your kids love) introduce the idea of weighing and explore how the scales work
:: is an apple heavier than the pig? thinking about comparison and trying some prediction
:: can you find something bigger but lighter than the toy pig? realising that bigger doesn’t always mean heavier
:: is the pig lighter than 15 Lego bricks? feeling both and estimating, and counting
Then turn the tables and ask the children to make up three questions to ask each other – or you. Tell them they can make them as difficult as they like, so long as they can work out the correct answer. My girls were gleeful at the thought of being each others teacher.
This is a good way to build writing in with the investigating. Younger children might like you to scribe for them but if they can, let them do the writing themselves. The Brain Boosting is happening as they wonder, formulate and answer their questions – so correct spellings aren’t important .

Transform your teaching with Fun Math
The Fun Math series gives you a math curriculum that is easy to teach and highly effective.
Children love these lessons because they are engaging and fun.
You'll have a clear set of ready-made math lessons and activities that are simple to lead using our step-by-step lesson guides, and which children really understand.
Be the best math teacher and boost your children's confidence and skills with Fun Math.
See more and transform your teaching here.

What a great idea. My kids are always trying to play with the kitchen scale. I think they’ll love this.
Perfect timing. We are reading Charlotte’s Web. Think we will be weighing and measuring pigs tomorrow.
Oh I love Charlotte’s Web Julie – one of my all time favourites. You could give your pig a buttermilk bath too!
I love these Brain Booster questions! So much fun and a great way to let kids explore their own way of finding an answer. I do something similiar with my class and the kids are always excited to see what the new center is. Thanks for sharing, can’t wait for #2!
Thanks Christine! I think my girls would love to discover one of these in their classroom each day.