Planning a rainbow themed unit? Want a colourful journal page to encourage writing and drawing? Learning about similes? This is the one for you!
Free rainbow journal page similes sheet printable
Use this free rainbow journal page for some colour-inspired writing, or for a lesson about similes.
How to use this similes printable
:: print the rainbow journal page from our Creative Kids Learning Library (see below)
:: offer the page with a selection of rainbow-coloured pens, pencils and/or paints
:: talk about what a rainbow is and what it looks like
:: talk about the seven colours of a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Which colour is your favourite?
:: introduce the idea of similes. A simile is a way of describing something by comparing it to something else. An example is ‘as quiet as a mouse’, or ‘as strong as a lion’. We use similes to make our description more vivid or dramatic.
:: what similes could you use to describe the beautiful colours of a rainbow? Can you think of something that is as red as the first arc of a rainbow? ‘As red as a…….’?
:: fill in your sheet inventing similes for each colour. Be creative! There’s no one right answer – when you think of a colour in your mind, what do you see?
:: extend your rainbow writing with these additional rainbow journal pages
More lovely rainbow activities for your children!
Add colour and fun to your learning with all these extra ideas for rainbow activities. Ideas include maths, literacy, art, craft, and sensory play, plus many more free printables.
Get these free resources so your teaching organised for you, and so easy to set up – and your children get to delight in engaging, multi-sensory, fun learning. See all the rainbow activities here.
How to print this rainbow journal page
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