Talking about feelings with children helps them understand themselves and others. These printable conversation starters about feelings and relationships are gentle prompts to open up conversations that build connection and emotional intelligence.
by Cathy James
Talking about feelings with children helps them understand themselves and others. These printable conversation starters about feelings and relationships are gentle prompts to open up conversations that build connection and emotional intelligence.
by Cathy James
Try these ideas for including mathematical language for children in your everyday conversations to give your kids an early language boost and increase their math vocabulary and confidence.
by Cathy James
Use my ‘how to talk about art with kids’ printable question cards as part of this easy art criticism lesson for children.
by Cathy James
Use this art discussion lesson for children, featuring work by Henri Matisse, to get children thinking and talking about art. If you haven’t tried art discussion activities before it’s easy to get started, and you’ll soon discover how they open up conversations and ideas, boosting children’s language, reasoning and confidence.
by Cathy James
Planning a rainbow themed unit? Want a colourful journal page to encourage writing and drawing? Learning about similes? This is the one for you!
by Cathy James
Explore your sense of taste, and maybe support picky eaters to try something new, with this printable rainbow taste test activity.