Here’s lovely set of free printable alphabet cards along with great ideas for how to use them to help teach your child to read.
Free printable alphabet cards
These colourful ABC cards are great for hands-on learning. You can use them:
:: in sensory tubs
:: for treasure hunts
:: print two sets and use them to play matching games
:: pin them up to make some alphabet bunting
:: trace around the letter shapes with your fingers
:: use them as tiles to spell out your name and words you are learning
The printable ABC cards also include a set of blank hearts, which you can customise to suit your needs: use them to make number cards, or invite your child to write their own letters on them.
How to download the printable
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More lovely Valentine's Day activities for your children
Did you see all my other Valentine's Day activities for children? I've got more free printables, art, math, science, literacy and play ideas, all with a Valentine theme. You can find them all here.

Do you have uppercase letters?
Hi Sarah. This is a lower case only set, but it does include a sheet of blank hearts too, so you could make a DIY upper case set.