The Seasons School Spring Curriculum includes a wide range of gorgeous printables that you can use with your children to explore spring across many different subjects. Here’s a look at what you’ll receive when you download your kit.
Spring printables for nature journals, math, literacy and more
The Seasons School Spring Curriculum is great for you! I’ve designed the workshop so it has a programme that is rich in materials and learning, with a balance between the activities to give a nice rhythm to the weeks.
Everything is organised for you: topics, experiments, the flow of the activities, lovely printables, educational resources, and fun ideas.
You can relax through the spring and enjoy the learning as much as your children – because I’ll guide you through it all. No scrambling for ideas on a Sunday night, no panic because you haven’t done any math this week, no feeling like you’re missing something important.
One great aspect of the Spring Workshop is all the printables that you’ll receive. They’ve all been exclusively designed for the workshop so they complement the activities perfectly. Here’s what you’ll receive:
:: Two mini books to accompany our science explorations: one all about the seasons and why we have them, and one that’s all about eggs. These are fun little books to print and complete with your children, and they can then add them to their nature tables or nature journals. My daughter loves cute little books, and I love how they work as a super recap of all the new things we’re learning.
:: Journal pages, to accompany the ‘circular’ nature journal that I’ll show you how to make. The printable journal pages come in three formats: lined – for writing, plain – for drawing, and half-and-half – which my children love to use for sketching and making notes on their nature finds.
:: All the recipes that are included in the workshop come with printable recipe cards, so you can easily take them into the kitchen with you, and there’s a Foods in Season poster to help you shop and eat seasonally
:: There are printable Writing Prompts, which you can use throughout the season, and a Poetry Printable which we’ll focus on in week two when we’re learning all about daffodils. I find the poetry prompt really effective to use with children, to introduce them to writing their own poems and get them thinking up ideas connected to spring
:: I’ve commissioned two sets of math and literacy printables especially for the workshop. You’ll get a set of Carrot Numbers, and an Egg Alphabet: both lower case and upper case. I’ll give you lots of ideas for how to use them throughout the workshop
:: My daughter has made us another lovely set of hand-drawn colouring pages, this season including a mother hen, spring bunny rabbit, pretty birds, and an egg tree
:: There’s a printable bunting set which you can colour or paint and use to decorate your hearth, wall or nature table
:: There’s a fun set of bird puppets which are great for playing with play dough
:: I’ve commissioned two sets of math and literacy printables especially for the workshop. You’ll get a set of Carrot Numbers, and an Egg Alphabet: both lower case and upper case. I’ll give you lots of ideas for how to use them throughout the workshop
:: And, one of my favourite activities in the workshop, there’s a Spring Yoga Poster to accompany the spring yoga story I’ve written to get our bodies moving and stretching, like the little plants in our garden!

Download all the Spring units and printables
Download our complete Spring lesson plans, activities and printables and your spring teaching will be so easy!
:: five complete units of ebooks and printables for Nature Study, Welcome Spring, Daffodils, Seeds and Shoots, and Eggs and Birds
:: over 50 engaging activities and lesson plans that your children will love
:: over 30 pages of printables that make teaching so easy
:: a balanced programme of math, science, literacy, arts and crafts, nature study, sensory and imaginative play
:: a practical resource that you can start using today, in class or at home
:: weeks worth of learning all planned for you, to take you right through the season
:: created with children aged 4 to 8 in mind
You're going to love this super useful resource!
CLICK HERE to see more and get your spring resource kit.

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