Here’s a lesson about Wordsworth’s famous daffodils poem along with a poetry writing printable that your children can use to write spring poems of their own.
Daffodils poem writing prompt for spring
Let’s read one of the most famous spring poems, and try writing one of our own.
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth is one of the world’s most famous poems. It’s sometimes know as ‘Daffodils’. Here’s a printable version of I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth you can download to read with your children.
I started by reading the poem aloud and asking the children what they thought the poem was about.
They’d imagined the scene of dancing daffodils as I read, but weren’t all sure about the meaning of the final verse.
We read it through again and then chatted about how words can make a picture.
We noticed the rhymes, and talked about how both using our imagination and being in nature can be powerful ways to relax and feel at peace.
We talked about the occasions when we might use the technique of remembering somewhere beautiful to help us.
Writing Our Own Spring Poems
You can use the poetry writing printable from the Seasons School Spring Unit to try writing your own spring poem. It gives you a simple template to use to start creating your own poem.
It can be useful to have a guide to get you started, particularly if you’ve never written a poem before.
Once you’ve started though, you can develop your own style of poetry, taking inspiration from the spring, and write about daffodils, the woodland, eggs, rabbits, seeds, and shoots.
I find children can often access their poetry writing talents more easily and freely if you suggest they write a song rather than a poem, as songs might be a more familiar art form to them.
How To Use The Poetry Printable
The poetry printable is included in the Seasons School Spring Unit.
First write a list of nouns in the right-hand column: things you can see, hear, feel, taste and smell in the spring.
Then fill in a list of adjectives in the left-hand column to compliment each noun. What wonderful word pairings can you create?
You can copy your poem into your nature journal and add some illustrations.

Download all the Spring units and printables
Download our complete Spring lesson plans, activities and printables and your spring teaching will be so easy!
:: five complete units of ebooks and printables for Nature Study, Welcome Spring, Daffodils, Seeds and Shoots, and Eggs and Birds
:: over 50 engaging activities and lesson plans that your children will love
:: over 30 pages of printables that make teaching so easy
:: a balanced programme of math, science, literacy, arts and crafts, nature study, sensory and imaginative play
:: a practical resource that you can start using today, in class or at home
:: weeks worth of learning all planned for you, to take you right through the season
:: created with children aged 4 to 8 in mind
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