I’m so glad you enjoyed the coloring pages I made last month – thanks for all the lovely feedback! I thought you might like some this month with a Valentine’s theme. I’ve got some coloring pages, a printable multi-lingual poster and a journal page for you to print and try.
Coloring pages and printables for Valentines
First up is a printable sharing ‘I love you’ in lots of different languages. NurtureStore has a wonderful community of parents and teachers over on it’s Facebook page, and when I asked how to say ‘I love you’ I got lots of international replies. My girls were thrilled! Thanks so much to everyone who helped contribute some words for this printable. It’s such a nice way for children to learn that people around the world speak different languages and write in different scripts. We’re using our globe so the children can see where in the world the different languages are spoken. Click the photo above and you can print off the image.
L is still crazy about colouring, so this next one is especially for her. Click the image above and you can print this loveheart coloring page and doodle on some of your own designs.
And finally, click the image above to print this journal page which your children can use to send some love to someone or something special to them.
More coloring pages
Click through to print off our snowman coloring pages, and watch out some some spring coloring pages and printables on the way soon.
P.S. Did you downlaod our free app yet?
(thanks to picmonkey for permission to share these printables with you – check them out for great photo editing)
Thanks so much for sharing your lovely printables, Cathy! I really appreciate the versatility of your coloring/doodle pages. They’d be great for decorating with 3-D objects, too. I featured your printables as the Free Printable(s) of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow and on Pinterest