An easy salt dough recipe you can use to make this sparkly salt dough candle holder craft.
by Cathy James
An easy salt dough recipe you can use to make this sparkly salt dough candle holder craft.
by Cathy James
This is a lovely simple sewing project for kids ~ how to make a Christmas tree decoration and a heart ornament.
by Cathy James
Celebrate the season in style with this easy autumn craft for forest school – make a leaf crown!
by Cathy James
Purrfectly cute clay cats are easy to make from air-drying clay. Clay is a wonderful material for children to use to make and play with. Touchy-feely and easy to mold, an air drying clay doesn’t even need baking – and it takes pencils and paints well to create this super cute cat craft.
by Cathy James
I believe in the power of play: to nurture children, help them learn, encourage them when they need it, lift spirits and sometimes bring healing. If you’re a regular reader of NurtureStore I know you’re as passionate about giving children plenty of time and opportunity for being creative, using their imaginations and learning through play.
Here’s a tutorial that shows you how to make an easy super hero cape that your children can use for lots of pretend play – but also an invitation to send the power of play to another child who could really do with a super hero boost, joining in with the amazing I Am Super Capes appeal.
by Cathy James
Make writing fun with this irresistible fall writing station, with homemade leaf print books for seasonal stories and sketching.