Please give a warm welcome to Michelle from Molly Moo who is sharing a super cute pom pom craft for kids with us today – making three blind mice, which are just lovely for song bags and storytelling.
How to make an easy spider craft
Here’s a simple spider craft for preschool that’s great for Halloween craft or nursery rhyme fun.
Ten in the bed game
You can make maths much more fun if you mix in some songs and imaginary play. Today we’ve been counting backwards and singing ‘Ten in the Bed’.
First we took a cardboard box and used some fabric scraps to make a bedsheet, pillows and blanket.
Then we made 10 little people and numbered them 1 to 10. With a bit of a squash and a squeeze they all fitted in.
Then it was time for some singing – and lots of giggling as Little rolled her people out of bed. We’ve done an alternative version of this using our sofa as a bed and Big’s favourite teddies to make up the numbers. It’s very funny when you’re 3 to make your teds whizz out of bed!
A great book choice to go with this is Ten in the Bed by Penny Dale, which has beautiful illustrations.
And just in case you don’t know the song, there’s a cute pre-school class over on You Tube waiting to sing it to you.
Ducks: number line, song vlog, painting
If you’re trying to nurture a new skill in a child I think you should always take your cue from them. Think about what they love and enjoy and use this as the medium to teach the lesson. Little currently adores ducks. She got a little yellow duck in a party loot bag which is accompanying her everywhere – and she quite likes ‘being’ a duck herself. She’s also very interested in numbers – a skill which I’m keen for her to practise. Today she wanted to do some painting so, to encourage those numbers, we decided to make a duck number line.
I’ve blogged about number lines before and I think they’re a really useful way to incorporate written numbers into your child’s environment. Ours is strung along the kitchen window – a prominent position so Little is often looking at it. We refer to it most days, for example when we’re counting out spoons to set the table, so we’re gently reinforcing the number progression and linking the physical number of spoons with the written number symbols on the line. Of course, once things have been on display for a while they become a little stale and you walk past without noticing so I like to change the pictures on the number line to keep it interesting for Little. We’ve previously done ladybirds, autumn leaves and Christmas trees.
To make a duck number line: I cut out some duck shapes from pieces of card and Little set about paining them. Let you child be creative here and paint them any colour they like. Little was quite clear that she wanted pink and yellow ducks – so who am I to argue! Holding the paintbrush is good motor skill practice and the mark-making aspect paves the way for later writing. You can see from the vlog that she can’t resist swirling all her paints together – more experimenting.
Once the ducks were dry Little added eyes and numbers using a felt pen. She was determined to write the numbers herself so I encouraged her to have a try – are you impressed with how well she did them? As one reason for making the number line is to have her see the (correct) written form of the numbers I added a small (correct) version of each numeral too – careful not to make Little think that her version was in anyway not good enough.
Children learn in a multi-sensory way and adding other experiences to a lesson re-inforces what you’re teaching – so why not add in some song while you’re painting and counting. Hope you like her rendition of Five Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day!
We’re going to extend the play with ducks by adding them to the bathwater tonight – so Little can enjoy some small-world role play. And tomorrow we’re off to feed the ducks at the local pond – so she can learn about the real world and see some ducks in action.
And just in case you don’t know all the words and would like to sing with your child, the lyrics are here. If you’re not painting, you should hold up the corresponding number of fingers, and swim them off like the little ducks:
5 little ducks went swimming one day,
over the pond and far away,
when mummy duck said ‘quack, quack, quack, quack’
only 4 little ducks came back.
(and so on, until – in a sad voice- …
no little ducks went swimming one day,
over the pond and far away,
when mummy duck said ‘quack, quack, quack, quack’
Create a song bag to boost language and maths skills
Singing is good for your mind, body and spirit. It helps to nurture language skills: the patterns of traditional nursery rhymes follow the rhythm of the spoken language, and songs let you practice new vocabulary and introduce the concept of rhyme. You are also exercising your memory by recalling lyrics. Group singing lifts your spirits and develops a sense of community and team work. It’s physically good for you too: it releases endorphins, and can improve your posture and breathing. It’s even working on your maths skills as you deal with concepts related to rhythm such as ratios and fractions.
So with all these benefits we should be singing with our children every day!
To get you started why not make a song bag? Choose your bag and fill it with props that link to your favourite songs. (You’re bound to have some around the house already, but keep an eye out for them in charity shops too). Then take it in turns to pick something out – and sing about it!

can you sing a song about a.......?
This is what we’ve got in ours:
a sun hat – I’m a Dingle Dangle Scarecrow
a star shaped cookie cutter – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
a spider – Incy Wincy Spider
a doll – Miss Polly had a Dolly
a cow – Hey Diddle Diddle or Old MacDonald Had a Farm
a rubber duck – Three Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day
a fish – 12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive or Thou Shall Have a Fishy
a dolphin – Slippery Dolphins
a dog – How Much is that Doggy in the Window
a horse – This is the Way The Ladies Ride or Horsey Horsey Don’t You Stop
a monkey – Three Cheeky Monkeys Swinging Through the Trees / Bouncing on the Bed
a pig – This Little Piggy Went to Market
We’re currently on the look out for a (the wheels on the ) bus to add to our collection.
My children love using our song bag – it’s one of their most frequent requests. They also love subverting the lyrics of the songs – to see how silly they can be. You might also like to have a look at the Sing Up website which is packed full of information about singing, including a song bank full of songs to listen to, learn and sing along to.