Oh play dough, we love you. What would the 14th February be without some valentine playdough?
by Cathy James
Oh play dough, we love you. What would the 14th February be without some valentine playdough?
by Cathy James
I’ve been waiting all week to share this with you! I have the most amazing book to tell you about. It is packed full of creative Valentine craft ideas, recipes to try, decorations to make and play activities to enjoy. It is the combined work of over seventy international bloggers, inspired and collated by Jamie from hands on as we grow and it is now ready and waiting for you to get your own copy. The book is only available in February though, so be quick! [Read more…]
by Cathy James
Show your babies and toddlers some love this Valentines day with some sensory play that’s adaptable to include even the youngest children. These love hearts are oh so touchy feely! A wonderful creative project for kids to make and explore.
by Cathy James
Many of the play ideas I post here happen as a result of my children taking some everyday materials and experimenting. Having a well stocked making box (which really doesn’t mean lots of expensive art materials) and permission to help themselves to some of our kitchen supplies often leads to all sorts of creativity and learning.
Today’s post is an example of how a fusion of two materials can produce lots of thinking about maths, dimensions, construction, creativity, role-play and of course plenty of fun.
by Cathy James
A Mad Hatter’s Tea Party was the perfect birthday party theme for my little bookworm. B turned nine last week and at the weekend we hosted a Book Party for her family and friends, with crazy food and fun activities. The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party was such fun to plan and prepare, with the kids excited about sharing the mad ideas with their friends.
All the invitations were little books, illustrated by B, with the story inside telling the tale of how all the guests were invited to a party. Everyone came dressed as a favourite book character – I was Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother, although sadly no photos of that incarnation remain. I do have lots of photos of what we made and what we ate though, so here’s our round up of how we hosted a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. [Read more…]
by Cathy James