Where do fairies go on holiday? To stay in seashell cottages by the sea! Here’s a sweet little craft idea that turns into imaginary play and storytelling.
Fairy houses made from seashells
We’re still enjoying making and playing with our stash of seashells from our week at the beach. Today we turned a few of them into little seaside cottages, so our fairies could go on holiday. They’re super easy to make, and are doubly good because they make great little play scenes once you’ve finished crafting. We love making things that then turn into even more opportunities to play!
To make the fairy houses we picked a few shells out from our collection and decorated them with permanent markers – as easy as that! The houses can be as simple or intricate as your children like. Sometimes we want to spend a long time drawing and designing, and sometimes we just want to make something quickly, so we can then use it to play. This craft works either way.
They’re great for playing with in the sandpit, where you can make a beach for the fairies’ holiday.
Add in some more shells and some homemade fairy dolls, and you can imagine and tell stories as you play.

Don’t forget to get the free Number Fish and Ocean Creatures Play Set printables while you’re here!
Hey, are you doing a project on fish, the seaside or the ocean? If you’re looking at this article then I guess you might be. I have some great free printables on a fish theme that I think you’ll love.
NurtureStore has an extensive library of free printables, including a free Number Fish printable, which is great for adding numbers to your play and working on math skills in a hands-on way. I also have a lovely free Ocean Creatures Play Set which you can print and combine with playdough or a water tub for imaginary play.
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I’m so in love with these! We are going to the beach next weekend…perfect timing!
Thanks Stephanie!