Crafting with children can be a wonderful time to sit with them and have a conversation or explore an idea. The children who made these spring lamb pictures are aged between one and three and a half. And each in their own way created their answer to the same question: what does a lamb look like?
Spring lamb craft
We talk often about whether craft or art with children should be to create a particular product or should focus only on the process. Many groups or classrooms do feel they should create a project – maybe a group activity to make a class display or to have something for the children to take home to show their family. Others encourage teachers to let children create whatever they like, freely and without adult intervention.
I thought today I’d show you some pictures from our creating session at creche this week – as an illustration of how product and process can combine. The member of staff who set up the craft table invited the children to make a spring lamb picture and provided some materials: green card, cotton wool, stickers, black and green crayons and pencils, pots of glue and spatulas. But what does a spring lamb look like?
Millie decided less is more and preferred to spend more time on the slide.
Evie loved the feel of the cotton wool (‘It’s fluffy!’) and used lots to give her lamb more layers.
Which way round do you have to place your card? This way…
or this way?
Where does a lamb have its face? At the side…
or on it’s wool?
What shape is a lamb’s body? Is it round and full?
Or long and thin?
Inviting all the children to join in a particular project lets lots of interesting conversations arise, as they chat together and compare their ideas. They can think about the essence of a lamb – or a flower, or a house – and see how other children interpret the idea.
Having a particular product in mind when you set up a craft activity isn’t necessarily wrong – there’s plenty of space for children to be creative and make their own mark with the art.
How does art and craft work in your home or play setting?
Do you have group activities or is the art all totally free?
This is a lovely spring craft idea! It would be great if you’d like to add this to our Spring Carnival. 🙂