Use these printable sunflower number mats for hands-on math practice, all with a flowery-theme.
Printable sunflower number mats :: sunflower math activity
Click here to download your copy of the Sunflower School curriculum and printables.
Learning to count, understand one-to-one correspondence, and add and subtract are essential building blocks in developing math skills.
Children need to see and feel values and amounts: to hold things in their hands and understand in concrete terms what one – two – three, and one plus one, mean.
These printable sunflower math mats help to make math practice fun, hands-on, and effective.
You can use these math mats alongside all the other resources in the NurtureStore Sunflower School to give your math centres a sunflower theme.
Make math hands-on, brains-on
Use sunflower seeds, or other counters, to give your children real things to handle to play with the math questions.
You can laminate the printable mats and use a dry-erase marker pens to make a set of math resources you can use time and time again.
Sunflower School curriculum and printables
Click here to download your copy of the Sunflower School curriculum.
The Sunflower School curriculum matches a full programme of learning to the natural growing cycle of sunflowers.
It gives you six units of learning:
:: In the spring we’ll focus on planting and watching our plants grow.
:: In the summer we’ll learn about bees and pollination, and celebrate the gorgeous blooms through art.
:: In the late summer and early autumn we’ll turn our attention to harvesting, sustainability, and closing of the growing year.
Bonus sunflower printables
Our Sunflower School curriculum comes with 30 pages of bonus printables that you can use with your children to enrich their learning, including:
- My Sunflower Journal printable
- Lined, plain, and half-and-half journal pages
- Sunflower poems printable
- Sunflower sticker sheet
- Printable plant labels
- Sunflower counting mat
- Sunflower addition mat
- Sunflower subtraction mat
- Sunflower word mats
- Bee number cards
- Bee writing and scissor skills pages
- Garden Creatures page
- Honeycomb alphabet
- Printable seed packets
Click here to download the complete set of Sunflower School resources.