Let’s make math fun and successful! Use this arithmetic activity using loose parts to introduce your children to division in a hands-on way they really understand.
A hands-on lesson plan to teach division
You can use the printable math mats from our Fun Math curriculum to teach your children division in a way that lets them see, feel, and really understand the concept.
Our ready made lesson plan is the perfect way to introduce the concept of division in a playful way, and can be used as part of a math station and for regular, fun practice of division so your children can develop their understanding, speed and math confidence.
Magic Fun Math lessons!
Fun Math is an easy to teach, highly effective math curriculum based on play and hands-on learning.
All the lessons are designed to be fun and memorable, so children enjoy their lessons and feel confident.
The lessons are easy for teachers and parents to use, in class or at home.
These are the magic lessons where children really see, understand, and can apply math concepts. They are especially suited to children who don’t like math, lack confidence, don’t understand math the way they are currently being taught, or just want to play.
In this activity, your children can:
:: count
:: practice division, including with remainders (optional)
:: develop fine motor skills
:: be introduced to factors
Materials needed
:: division play mats: a full set is included in Fun Math Volume Three: Arithmetic
:: small loose parts such as buttons or counters
:: wipeable marker pen (optional)

This activity lets children develop their understanding of division, using small loose parts that they can divide by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
You can print the full set of division play mats from Fun Math Volume Three: Arithmetic. The bonus printables that you will get with your Fun Math curriculum are so practical and useful, giving you lessons that are quick to set up, which engage children and which you can use time and time again.
You can laminate the math mats if you wish, which lets children write on them using wipeable markers.

How to use the division mats
Set out the mats along with a number of loose parts, such as buttons or counters. You can use these materials for one-to-one / small group teaching or set them out as a math station for individual practice.
Using small loose parts makes the math hands-on and tangible, and boosts your children’s fine motor skills while they play.
Place a number of counters in the coloured rectangle at the top. Have your child count how many things there are and, if they wish, write the digits for the number on the mat using a wipeable marker pen.
Invite your child to work out how to divide that number by 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, depending on which mat you are using. Share out the counters between the small rectangles to show or help you work out the answer.
Introducing factors
You might like to use one amount of counters and see how they can be divided by all the mats.
Twelve counters is a good number to use for this as they can be divided by the 2, 3, 4 and 6 mats, giving 6, 4, 3 and 2 counters in each small rectangle respectively.
This is an introduction to factors: showing the different pairs of numbers we can multiply together to make 12.

Introducing remainders
The twelve counters can also be divided across the 5 mat, showing how we sometimes have remainders: here, five rectangles with two counters in each and two counters remaining.
You can work with only the lower number mats for as long as your child needs to, and then add in the full range of mats one at a time or altogether.
They can practice in this hands-on way until they are able to answer some of the division questions in their heads before using the counters to check their answer is correct.
Transform your teaching with Fun Math
The Fun Math series gives you a math curriculum that is easy to teach and highly effective.
Children love these lessons because they are engaging and fun.
You’ll have a clear set of ready-made math lessons and activities that are simple to lead using our step-by-step lesson guides, and which children really understand.
Be the best math teacher and boost your children’s confidence and skills with Fun Math.
See more and transform your teaching here.