Learn how to set up a numbers discover centre in your classroom for your children to get to know numbers.
How to make a numbers investigation table in your classroom
Watch our Guide to How to Use Math Discovery Centers
Click play on the video above to see our guide to how to use math centers. They are great tools for teaching math to children in a hands-on way and help children learn math skills through play, discovery and practice.
Learn how to make a discovery centre, including themed math centers for numbers, volume, weight, time, measurement and more. Get tips for classroom management and how to use centers in your classroom or homeschool. Plus learn how to get great math printables for your children to go in your math centers.
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Taking ideas from our Fun Math curriculum, let’s talk about how to introduce numbers to children using a discovery centre.
You’ll learn what a math discovery centre is, when and where to include it in your teaching, and get great ideas for things you can include in a numbers investigation table.
What is a math discovery centre?
As we covered in Fun Math Volume One: Core Skills, a math discovery centre is an invitation to play with math equipment and concepts in an open-ended way.
A discovery centre is similar to a nature table, often set up on a table or shelf, with materials gathered together and available for children to explore.
The aim of a discovery centre is to spark mathematical curiosity, exploration, and thinking.

How to use a discovery centre in your timetable
Time in a discovery centre is not intended to be a specific adult-led lesson but rather time to play with the materials and concepts.
You might have the discovery centre continuously available for children to visit or allocate them specific time to go and explore.
Children can spend time in the centre alone, in pairs or in small groups.
Playing in the centre with others is a great opportunity for children to share their knowledge, answer each other’s questions, and develop language and new vocabulary.

How to get children to use a discover centre
Written question prompts can be included in the discovery centre, displayed on a piece of card, such as:
:: What do you know about numbers?
:: What can you find out about numbers?
:: What can you count?
:: Where can you see numbers?
:: What do we use numbers for?
Following time spent in the discovery centre you can gather everyone together, perhaps at circle time, to talk about what children have been doing, seeing, noticing, and thinking about.
Ask them what they did in the centre and what they would like to do next.

What to include in a discovery centre
Every discovery centre can include:
:: Question prompts
:: A poser/ chart for children to write down what they already know and what they want to learn
:: Information and fiction books about numbers and counting
:: Relevant posters and photographs, illustrating the use of numbers
:: A variety of loose parts to use for counting and sorting

What to include in a Numbers Discovery Centre
Here are some suggestions of things you might include in a number discovery centre.
You don’t need to have them all, and you can adapt them based on your children’s interests and what you have available.
:: Printed digits in a variety of media
:: Sticks to make tallies
:: Sensory writing tray with number cards alongside
:: Dice
:: Loose parts to count: unit blocks, paperclips, buttons, stickers
:: Ten frames (you will receive ten frame printables in the Fun Math bonus printables pack)
:: Hundred squares (also included in the Fun Math printables pack)
:: Question prompts
:: Number line
:: Number cards (also included in the Fun Math printables pack)
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