How to make a child’s hat couldn’t be simpler but with a creative kid involved the results are super fun and oh so stylish!
How to make a child’s hat
This idea is inspired by one of our favourite books: Millie’s Marvellous Hat by Satoshi Kitamura. The book is about a little girl who longs for a beautiful hat but has no money to buy one. It’s a tale of imagination, positivity and overcoming problems. It also features the most wonderful illustrations of fabulous hats. We couldn’t read it without creating our own marvellous hat!
Never underestimate how much a super simple activity can bring joy to your kids. L and her best friend made these hats last week and had a blast.
This is such a easy craft you hardly need instructions but if you’d like a reminder on how to make a child’s hat, here goes.
Step one: Take a piece of card around 5- 10cm in depth and long enough to wind around your child’s head. Fit it in place, check it for comfort and fasten the ends together with staples or sticky tape. You can of course use two smaller pieces of card to make your headband if you don’t have a very long piece.
Step two: provide your child with lots of interesting materials to decorate their marvellous hat:
:: tissue paper :: coloured paper and card :: stickers :: feathers :: buttons :: glitter :: pens :: pencils :: crayons :: ribbon
Step three: invite your child to imagine a most marvellous hat and style it however they like
Step four: parade! Wear your hat around the house, or better still head out for a walk wearing your marvellous creation. Just as in the book, watch the marvellousness spread and spot how all the people you pass smile and admire your wonderful creation!
This is truly a wonderful hat! Well done!
Wonderful idea! Great hat too! I just came across this website with a nice list of different story books about hats. Thought I would share in case it is of any interest you or your readers.
yup i love simple hats and your one is great – you missed out step 5: do it again but this time for mummy
I absolutely love activities that are tied to books. And you’re right, kids get a huge kick out of headgear.
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