This edition of the Go Play! Showcase features the irresistable ideas Sherry and Donna use in their pre-school on the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. They’re passionate about play based learning and their blog is full of inspiration.
Tell us about yourself
We have been friends for over 20 years and have worked together for the last 12. We teach 4 and 5 year olds at a beautiful preschool in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. In our “spare” time we also run our blog irresistible ideas for play based learning. Here we present our daily program, warts and all!
What’s your play philosophy?
Our teaching is based on the philosophy that children learn best through play. We provide open ended, play based activities – active learning which is developmentally correct for every child. We believe in giving our children long uninterrupted periods of time where they can explore their environments at their own pace.
Inspire us!
This is hard! Nearly every day we think “Wow!” After lots of debate we have decided on these three, but we could have chosen many more.
making our own paint magic – making our own paint is so easy!
pendulum play – lots of fun discovering how hard the pendulum needs to travel and in which direction to knock over a pile of boxes
a pinball marble maze – the children experimented with large group mazes, then went on to make their own
I love Sherry and Donna’s ideas and hope you pop over to Irresistable Ideas for Play Based Learning to see some more. Even if you’re a parent or childminder working from home you’ll find it very easy to adapt their preschool ideas to your setting. I’m always reading and thinking ‘wow! I want to try that!’.
Donna and Sherry’s blog has just been nominated in the Edublog awards in the Best Group Blog category so if you’re inspired by their ideas you might like to vote for them.
Are you passionate about children’s play and crafts? Would you like to have your blog or website featured here? E-mail me to say hi and tell me about your site: Cathy (at) nurturestore (dot) co (dot) uk for more details
Cathy thanks so much for featuring us here today. It is an honor and a thrill to be a part of your “Go Play! Showcase”.
A very big thank you also for mentioning our “edublog” nomination … we are pretty darn excited about that as well!
Donna and Sherry 🙂 🙂
My favorite blog – and fellow Aussies to boot!
We need to try the pendulum game in our home!
I agree! Big thumbs up for this irresistible pre-school blog! (I also found this post via Twitter)