This week’s Go Play! Showcase features Kristi from Creative Connections for Kids. Kristi has been blogging for just five months but has already shared some fabulous ideas with our Play Academy Friday linky party. I’ll let Kristi introduce herself and I hope you’ll pop over to Creative Connections for Kids to say hi and take a look at all her ideas.
Tell us about yourself
I am Kristi from Creative Connections for Kids. I am a parent educator and program coordinator for Parents as Teachers, an early childhood home visitation program for parents who have children from birth to five years. My job is to provide developmental information, activities, and the encouragement that parents need to help their children develop optimally in the early years of life.
The mission of Creative Connections for Kids is to encourage grown-ups to spend time and connect with the children in their life. This blog is for parents, grandparents, early childhood teachers, child care providers, and anyone else who loves children. As a parent educator I frequently give families extra activities and online resources. CCK is a chronicle of that information.
Creative Connections for Kids features simple inexpensive activities to enhance development.This includes art, crafts, book reviews for children and grown ups, games, recipes and other fun stuff! I provide researched based child development information through videos, websites and books as well.
What’s your play philosophy?
My philosophy can be summed up in five words: play, learn, have fun together!
I encourage open ended, child directed play. Let the children lead! It doesn’t take expensive toys to enhance skills and have a good time. You can have a fun learning experience with a big box, crayons, scissors, paper, glue and other simple items that you can find around the house or at the discount store. I encourage parents to talk, read to, and play with their child.
Inspire us!
Great for little fingers have a look at Cutting Up: Fine motor activities to develop scissor skills
Sharing our love for big cardboard boxes Kristi says Wait! Don’t throw that box away! It could be a…
And just right for this time of year you might like to make a snowman
Please do stop by Creative Connections for Kids and welcome Kristi to our early years community and get some inspiration from her wonderful ideas.
Would you like to be featured in our Go Play! Showcase? I’d especially love to feature those of you who regularly support us and join in with our Play Academy linky, so please, don’t be shy, drop me an e-mail at cathy (AT) if you’d like to be included.
Thank you for featuring Creative Connections for Kids! It is such an honor for me and my little blog! I have greatly enjoyed ‘connecting’ with an international online early childhood community in which there is something new to learn everyday. 🙂
Many thanks,