Let’s make a weather chart! Download this free weather spinner printable and let’s learn about the weather.

Free printable weather spinner activity
Checking in with the weather each day gives children an immediate connection with nature and can be a ritual in a gentle weekly rhythm.
You can use this free weather chart printable as part of a wether topic or as a item for your daily circle time routine.

How to make a simple weather spinner
Print the weather spinner (see below) and cut out the two parts using scissors.
You might like to laminate the sections for extra durability.

Lay the two sections on top of each other. The section with the cut-out ‘window’ goes on top.
Insert a split pin in the centre to fasten the two cards together, and so you can spin the bottom around to show whatever the weather is like today.

How to use this weather spinner activity
You might like to stick the spinner up on a window so you can check in and give a weather report each day.
You can use the spinner in your circle time routine, choosing one child to report on the weather that day.
You can chat about how today’s weather affects your plans for playing outdoors, and what clothes you will need to wear when you go out.

How to extend this activity
Use my Days of the Week spinner alongside this weather-themed one.
You can include this weather spinner in a weather topic.
You might like to record the weather each day on a chart or graph.
Use an outdoor thermometer to measure the daily temperature and graph that too.
Make a rain gauge to measure rainfall.
Explore rainbows as part of your weather week.
How to download this printable
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loved it!
Great! Glad you did.
Loved it! Thank You So Much!!
Glad you liked it, Debbie.
i liked it
so nice weather spinner! Hope that my children will like it! Great idea!
Thanks Aleksandra. I hope they like it too!
Great Idea