Here’s a lovely easy gingerbread man craft for preschool, along with a printable gingerbread man template.
Easy gingerbread man craft for preschool with printable template
Let’s add scent to our paint to bring an extra sensory element to this art activity. Simple craft activities like this help children organise a task, make their own creative choices, and introduce them to a range of art materials and techniques.
Materials needed:
:: brown paint
:: black and red paint or marker pens
:: white paper or card
:: paintbrushes
:: ground cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg
:: gingerbread man template from the Gingerbread Unit and pencil (optional)
Transform your plain paint by stirring in a little spice: ground ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg will make your paint smell like gingerbread!
Invite your children to use this sensory paint to make their own gingerbread man.
Your children can begin by drawing round a gingerbread man template (from the Gingerbread Unit) or they can free-draw an outline of their own.
Then fill in with the spice paint.
You can use paint to add eyes, mouth, and buttons, or wait until the brown paint is dry and then use marker pens to add the details.

Download the complete Gingerbread Unit
A deliciously educational unit of learning! The Gingerbread Unit gives you everything you need to teach an engaging program of activities all based around The Gingerbread Man.
With ideas for math, literacy, science, play, sensory, arts and crafts your children will love learning through baking, play, and exploration.
:: over 45 pages of lessons, activities, and printables
:: a complete unit of gingerbread-themed math, science, literacy, arts and crafts, sensory, and play
:: materials lists and bonus printables make it so easy!
:: everything planned for you, so you can enjoy it as much as your children do
:: fun and delicious, and packed with engaging learning