Back in January I resolved to make 2010 our Year of Play. I’ve been thinking about this again this month as L has started at school. In last week’s Play Academy link-up I talked about wanting to make sure the girls still have lots of opportunity for playing, as well as schooling. So this weeks Twitter Tips are dedicated to having a playful return to school. The Twitter Tips get tweeted on a Friday at 8.30pm and in previous weeks they’ve started great twitter conversations, with people swapping ideas. The main thing I love about blogging is it being a forum to get inspiration and encouragement from others, so please feel free to add your own ideas in the comments or on our Facebook page. Join in, swap ideas, go play!
How to have a playful Back to School
#goplay Twitter Tip #1If you’re using after school clubs check how playful they are: do they offer free play after a structured school day
#goplay Twitter Tip #2Make the school run fun: cycle, scoot or play i-spy. Leave a little earlier to let the kids play a bit before class
#goplay Twitter Tip #3 Set up a play invitation in the morning to entice the kids to play before they switch on the TV
#goplay Twitter Tip #4 Rediscover some old school favourites such as conkers or fortune tellers
#goplay Twitter Tip #5 Consider how many clubs to join so after school play time isn’t lost in a busy schedule.
#goplay Twitter Tip #6 Encourage playground fun by packing a skipping rope in the book bag. Ready for Ten has a great skipping tutuorial
#goplay Twitter Tip #7 Plan family time for the weekend: it doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant but do make sure it happens.
#goplay Twitter Tip #8 Consider screen time. Could your kids live without TV for an hour, a day, a week? What could they play instead?
#goplay Twitter Tip #9 Locate the park nearest your school and stop off any day day you can on the way home. Enjoy some #playoutdoors
#goplay Twitter Tip#10 Instead of only setting up a homework area set up a play area too. Add untoys & let them #goplay
How do you feel about the balance between school and play time? How do you manage homework at the weekend? Do your kids attend a playful school?
Happily shared with Top Ten Tuesday.
Going back to school is a mixed blessing for us when it comes to play. I certainly make a more focussed attempt to find time for play, but M is also more tired – when she comes in from school she wants to spend the first hour doing not very much, mostly quietly in her room listening to an audiobook and pottering (much to the frustration of her sister!)