Instead of my usual weekend links, I’m sharing just one idea with you today and asking you to make a donation to the DEC East Africa Crisis Appeal.
We spend our weeks giving our children the best start in life, filling their days with play and fun and learning, but life for so many children is so very different.
The severe drought in East Africa is putting the lives of over 10 million people under threat, with some facing the worst drought in 60 years. Thousands of children need our help.
How to help
Would you spare the cost of a new story book, or a toy, or a trip to the play centre this weekend and instead donate it to the children in need of life saving aid?
You can make a donation with your credit card or through PayPal and anything you can give will help to make a difference.
Others ways to help
If your kids have seen coverage of the crisis, Ready for Ten has some useful tips on talking about the news with children.
Playing by the Book has suggestions for books about the countries affected, droughts and life in a refugee camp.
If you’re a blogger, please use your voice and write about this.
Thinly Spread has some more ideas about how you can help.
Great post! Thanks for all the useful links, I didn’t know about all of them.