There are over one thousand free activities to pick from on NurtureStore. We have suggestions for creative play and learning spanning math, literacy, science, art, craft, and more. But here’s the thing: you don’t need to do them all. And not every day.
The resources are here to dip into when you need them, when you want them, to suit you and your children. So, amid all the planning for summer, and the scheduling, and the trips, and outings, and ideas for things to do, I wanted to give a gentle reminder that we can set the tone for our own summer.
We can make a summer manifesto that suits us. That gives us a few months of fun, and joy, and happy, but on our terms. A pause in the year, to relax and enjoy.
Here are my five must-do activities for any summer bucket list
Whatever you have planned, I think these five are essential items for every summer bucket list.
1. Read some books. Which ones? Whatever kind you like. Take a trip to the library and browse a while. Pick one from your favourite author, or something brand new. A book with lots of pictures to daydream over. An information book that looks interesting, whether it’s linked to your school curriculum or not. And how many? Some. Several. Use our printable if you want to keep track – or don’t. Read them on the sofa, in the park, up a tree, in the bath, at bedtime, on a picnic. You choose. Make your summer reading fun, inspiring and gentle. Relax and enjoy
2. Send time outdoors. How many hours? How many do you want? Every day if you like. An hour here and there if that fits for you. A whole day, ten minutes before bedtime, an hour over lunch with a picnic. Breathe in the fresh air, let the children run free. Relax and enjoy.
3. Play. Every day. Let the children choose. We have 100s of ideas for you, but you don’t have to pick them all, or even something each day. Dip in for inspiration, let your children browse the photos and see if it sparks an idea for them. But don’t feel you have to have a non-stop, sunrise-to-sunset summer-camp-at-home planned. Relax and enjoy.
4. Enjoy family time. Have a making morning, or a crafternoon, or a movie night, or sleep away in a tent. Pick the things your family loves, and leave the 101 extra ideas to some other family, no matter how pinteresting they seem. Relax and enjoy.
5. Sneak away. You. Just you. Let the children play without you, or instigate after-lunch quiet-time siestas, or savour half an hour after they are tucked up in bed a night. Squeeze in a coffee, or a slice of cake, or a glass of wine, or a walk around the neighbourhood, or a bubble bath, or a favourite book. Remember this is your summer too. Relax and enjoy.
Permission is granted to relax and enjoy your summer, the way you want.