What to do with all your left over gift wrap? Here are 12 fabulous ideas for creative projects to re-use your wrapping paper.
…. Click here …. for your guide to a cosy and connected winter with your family.
Wrapping paper to play with
Dress up lollypop stick puppets (above)
Make a gown for a balloon puppet
Make your doll a beautiful bed

Wrapping paper cards and decorations
Make globe ornaments (above)
Make a paper curl Christmas tree
Send Christmas thank you cards

Wrapping paper art
Use strips for 3-D art (above)
Fold and crimp to make a beautiful bouquet
Add to contact paper to create a sun catcher
How do you use re-use your gift-wrap? Leave a link in the comments and share an idea.
Let’s make this winter the year when we delight in the cold and the dark.
Gather your children, get cosy, and make memories and connections together.
I’ll show you how with this guide to a cosy and connected winter:
Such wonderful ideas! I love the globe ornaments!
And honored to be included – thank you!!! =)
We do love a bit of upcycling! Great list of things to do with old paper. Thanks for including our Thank You Cards!