Today’s Back To School Tip Tip is all about…. math.
Do you love math or hate math? Our own attitude to math has a big impact on how it’s perceived and learned by our children. And I’m pretty confident that the math ideas in the resource I’m sharing with you today look nothing like the way you learned math at school. If they do – lucky you! They’re not the way I was taught math – and very grateful that I have these new options for my children.
Top Tip #4: use your hands!
When it comes to successfully learning new math skills the one thing we really need to do is let our children use their hands. And I don’t just mean using them as a reference to count on, but really getting stuck in with hands-on learning. Making, doing, playing, cooking, measuring… all the activities that let our children hold math concepts in their hands and play with them; manipulate them; literally get to grips with them.
Our children need to have real experiences with math concepts to properly understand them, and to feel confident to move on up to more complex and abstract ideas.
How do you make math hands-on?
If your experience of math lessons involved a giant textbook and page after page of addition and multiplication worksheets, like my schooling was, thinking up playful math lessons can seem hard.
If might seem like more work, or a distraction, to offer a hands-on, playful math.
But what if I told you that these hands-on math activities are easy to set up when you know how. And that your children will learn math better, more effectively, and more happily.
Let me show you how to make math the most creative lesson on the curriculum!
‘How do I make math fun?’ is one of the questions I get asked the most, which is why I made a book for you called ABCs and 123s. I worked with over forty writers, who are parents, teachers, and educators like me, who specialise in play-based, creative learning. Together we’ve made a resource for you, so you can easily, quickly, and happily make your child’s experience of math fun, sensory, and hands-on.
In ABCs and 123s you’ll find fun and engaging multisensory activities for children aged 2 to 8. I’ll show you how to make math playful and sensory; how to learn indoors and outdoors; and give you ideas for your classroom, your homeschool, or to support your child with their homework.
You’ll get step-by-step instructions, and ideas for variations and extensions, so you can adapt the activities to suit your child’s exact needs.
How to download your resources
Click here to download your copy of ABCs and 123s.