Why is play important for children’s development? So many reasons! You can use this free printable poster as a reminder of all the benefits of play.
Why is play important?
Play means…
exploring, talking, thinking, trying, imagining, daydreaming,
inventing, risk taking, giving, sharing, making choices, working,
relaxing, challenging, taking turns, pausing, running, skipping,
jumping, shouting, whispering, singing, making friends,
being yourself, being someone else, role playing, acting,
caring, negotiating, reading, writing, counting, measuring,
trying things out, feeling, leading, following, problem solving,
storytelling, building, laughing, smiling…..
Let’s prioritise play and value its central importance to childhood.
How to download the printable
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Please send me a Play Poster. If possible, please send me two posters for each of my preschool classrooms.
Thank you,
Debbie Roddy
Hi Debbie. Please click on the link in the article and you can download and print as many copies as you would like.
Love this- Play- Play Therapy- this poster hits the nail on the head for us early childhood/ prary educators!
Your website is the very best. I have been in this field for 35 years and your lessons and ideas are an inspiration.
Thank you so much Laurel. So happy you like the resources here.
Great information!!
Thank you for posters they will be useful to explain to parents about the importance of play.
Hello Cathy!
I love your creativity and ideas. I have joined your Nurture Store, but I don’t know how to access your things. When I click on something I’d like to see, I receive the same message to join. I must be missing something. Please give me directions on how to access your things.
Thank you!!
Hi Denise. What is it you would like to access? All the activity ideas can be read online. The printables are available to download if you click on the links. If you look in the section above titled ‘How to download the printable’ you will see a blue link that says ‘click here to download it’. If it’s my workshops and books that you are interested, they are available to purchase and download in the shop: https://nurturestore.co.uk/visit-our-shop