Use our all-planned-for-you thematic units for June to teach your children about Pride, the Summer Solstice, bees and forest school.

Thematic teaching plans for June
Here’s our collection of grab-and-go thematic units to teach in June, including lesson plans to teach about Pride month and the Summer Solstice, plus a fun Bee topic, and the beginning of our DIY Forest School programme.

Pride thematic unit
June marks the celebration of LGBTQ+ Pride month. This thoughtfully created Pride Unit is suitable for children of all ages. These Pride lesson plans are centred on celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride, recognising individual identity, and supporting rights for all.
In these Pride lesson plans your children can:
:: learn about Pride, how it started and why it is important, and make a mini book
:: take part in a Raise Your Hand pride celebration
:: learn about artist Gilbert Baker and the Pride flags, and make their own identity flag
:: add rainbows everywhere to build skills in math and literacy centres
:: learn about artist Keith Haring and create art inspired by him
Play Academy members can download this Pride unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.

Forest School thematic unit
This unit is part one of two units that you can use to host DIY forest school lessons.
In these forest school lesson plans your children can:
:: go on a forest treasure hunt
:: play forest school literacy games
:: learn about leaves and seeds
:: try forest school math activities
:: learn about forest food chains
Play Academy members can download this Forest School unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.

Summer Solstice thematic unit
The Summer Solstice occurs around June 21st and is a wonderful summer theme for science, math, art and sensory play.
In these Summer Solstice activities your children can:
:: learn about the sun and the solstice
:: make a sunshine weaving
:: create warm and cool art
:: play with a solstice sensory tub or sunshine play dough
:: make a sunshine mandala
Play Academy members can download this Summer Solstice unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.

Bees & Pollination thematic unit
In this unit your children can learn about our vital pollinators: bees.
In this Bees thematic unit your children can:
:: learn about bees and pollination
:: make a bee craft
:: play bumble bee math games
:: practice bee spellings
:: try art criticism with Henri Matisse
Play Academy members can download this Bees unit with all the accompanying printables here.
Not a Play Academy member yet? Find out more and pick your first unit here.
Choose from over 50 ready-made thematic units
The Play Academy gives you over 50 grab-and-go thematic units which integrate perfectly with your curriculum. They’re carefully planned to introduce each topic and give children a range of hands-on lesson plans that really engage them in learning and developing cross-curricular skills and ideas.
Each unit is clearly laid out, showing you how to introduce and lead each lesson, so you can pick up your chosen unit and be ready to teach.
You can use individual units and also group units together to build a year-round pathway of cross-curricular leaning based around extended themes including Festivals, Science and Math, Art, and Nature.
Your teaching is about to get a whole lot better and easier!
Take a tour of the Play Academy and choose your first thematic unit here.