When Father Christmas brought L a longed for Zhu Zhu pet, big sister B decided he needed to be more upwardly mobile with his very own customised vehicle, so here’s her tutorial on how to make a Zhu Zhu pet car.
Made using just the materials we had in our making box, it’s also a great illustration of how junk modelling is a wonderful way for children to set themselves a challenge and problem-solve their way until they achieve what they set out to make.
How to make a Zhu Zhu pet car
B started by tracking down a box that was just the right size to fit our Zhu Zhu pet. To fit him inside she cut out the base and back panel of the box.
Time for a trial run. The Zhu Zhu pet fitted in perfectly but the sensor on his nose meant he kept backing out of the car. Time for some design adaptation: cut a window so Zhu Zhu can see where he’s going and his nose sensor is free to react to walls and shoes and other obstacles but doesn’t get confused by the front of the car.
Then, a problem. Because she’d cut the back off the cardboard box, every time Zhu Zhu hit an obstacle and reversed away he came right out of his car. Was B defeated by the error in her original design? No way! A strip of card across the back of the car and the problem was solved.
Then it was time to customise the hot wheels. With the addition of stickers, pipe cleaners and paper and the Zhu Zhu Automobile was ready to ride.
Design success – now we just need to find a way to stop the cat pouncing on Zhu Xhu every time he whizzes by.
If you make a Zhu Zhu pet car of your own we’d love to see a picture!
happily shared with the sunday showcase
LOVE this! Excellent use of a Zhu Zhu pet =)
Very cool!
I`d like to see a video of the Zhu Zhu Pet car AND the cat 🙂
That’s a great idea! We are planning to make a tunnel track for ours this week. xx
what a great big sister. I’ve never heard of zhu zhu pets before, they look fun – I think my cat might not agree though.
Love this, what a great idea.
Now try building a race track for the ZsuZsu cars. I just wrote a blog post about this here – https://www.growingplay.blogspot.com/2012/01/block-play-with-motorized-toys.html. The Zsu Zsu pets are highly entertaining for the little ones.
Ooh, I love this! I think we found what we’ll be doing this afternoon.
Thanks Lilly!