Want to join a community that’s as passionate about kids’ play as you are? Come and join The Play Network!
The new blogfrog community lead by some of your favourite friendly bloggers and open to everyone who wants to talk about kids’ play. A fantastic forum to swap ideas, gather inspiration and share tips, all for the benefit of our kids.
Myself, Rachel from Quirky Momma, Anna from the Imagination Tree, Maggy from Red Ted Art, Jamie from hands on : as we grow and Rachele from Messy Kids would love to have you join us in The Play Network. It couldn’t be easier to join….
1. Click on over to The Play Network
2. Log in, using your facebook account or set up one with blogfrog
3. Start chatting! You can join in with discussions in the Forum or start one of your own. And you can browse for great child-focussed ideas in Blog Posts
I hope you’ll come over and join us in the The Play Network forum.