Five fabulous ideas for a feet theme.
1. Set up a shoe shop: gather together as many different types of shoes as you can: lace-ups, high heels, flippers, wellies, ballet shoes, walking boots, football boots, slippers. Talk about when you would wear all these different types of footwear – what’s special about them? Add in some imaginary play and have some of the children be the shop assistants and some be the customers. Add in some maths by measuring everyones feet and graphing the results.
2. Explore movement and see what your feet can do: Play musical statues but have the children try out a different movement each time the music re-starts. Can they walk, hop, skip, run, go backwards, walk on tip toes? Try some other challenges such as seeing if they can pick blocks up with their feet and load them into a bucket. Or hold a crayon between their toes and do some drawing.
3. Discover animals’ feet: use toy animals or print off some pictures and investigate their feet. Talk about paws, hooves, webbed feet, claws and talons. Add some classification practise by sorting the animals into those with no feet, two feet, four feet, lots of feet. How do the animals’ feet suit how they live? Which animals can walk on the ceiling?
4. Make some footprints: for a great collaborative work of art tape big rolls of paper to the floor and then play some music. Have the children step in some paint and then dance their way over the canvas.
5. Read all about feet: with this fabulous selection of stories suggested by NurtureStore’s Facebook and Twitter friends. (Come and join us on Facebook and Twitter for lots more resources and idea swaps)
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happily shared with made by little hands Monday and math Monday and preschool corner and Outdoor Play and we play and math Monday and Tot School
I love the feet painting!!
All great ideas! We need to make some feet paintings if it EVER warms up here!
Great ideas!! My tot would go nuts for the shoe one. She’s a shoe-aholic already. LOL
Just popping in from tot school.
Shoe-aholics here too, Giggly Girls!
Fun! I love the shoe activity. My 16 month old loves trying to put on shoes (probably because he’s trying to be like big brother). Love the feet painting too. another fun thing we like to do is to make animal tracks in playdough with plastic animals.
Oh great idea Jackie!
Great ideas! I love the feet painting!
Little man is not a huge fan of shoes seeing as though mean ol’ mummy makes him wear them now the weather is cold. Maybe I should set up some shoe activities to get him a little more excited about them.
Thanks for sharing Cathy, hope to see you again next week 🙂
Read The Foot Book!
Thanks for linking at Math Monday!
Great ideas – love the drawing with crayons between the toes!
We did some footprint painting last week too, but I haven’t posted about it yet. Sweet Pea didn’t much like the feel of it though. Will have to try again when she’s a bit older maybe.
Thanks for linking up to the Outdoor Play linky!